Silent Whispers<°~Adrienette~°>

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Heartbeat part III

"Princess.." He slowly started , moving his hand to the side of her face.

"Why would you reject me if you loved me?" This time it sounded like she was asking herself more than him.

And she slowly freed herself from his hold on her, Adrien immediately dreading the loss of her warmth. And she took more steps creating distance between them. He didn't want that, he needed her close.

"I..I can explain.." His heart was beating erratically. He just needed to explain it, he thought he loved Ladybug more, but then he realized his mistake. It wouldn't be hard. She would understand. She had to. It couldn't end between them. "I.."

She cut him off before he got the chance to speak, "You're doing all this just to spare my feelings. You don't really love me." Her voice was coated in despair and tears began to form in her eyes. "What‽ No!" He reached out to her immediately, closing the gap between them.

"Marinette, you're my whole world. I don't know what I would be without you. I love you so much."

Then she lifted her teary eyes to meet his, "So why did you then?"

"Why did you hurt me like that?" She could feel her chest squeeze as it all came back to her, "You hurt me. And then you came to my balcony..." She paused and let the tear trickle down her cheeks, "And you kissed me. Why- Why would you do that?"

Adrien could feel tears coming to his own eyes. He had to explain. She was thinking wrong. But what could he say? He was an idiot for ever hurting her like that and he was too selfish to rethink before kissing her that night.

"Marinette, I'm so sorry, I love you so-"

"Then why did you do that?" This time she pushed out of his hold creating much needed distance between them. He reached for her but she moved away again. "Answer me." She demanded.


"Don't call me that." She interrupted immediately and Adrien sunk further into despair. It couldn't end between them. "Marinette, I swear I never meant to hurt you. I wanted to tell you I liked you back, but-"

She nodded in negation, "But you didn't. I saw the way your whole demeanor changed. You never wanted me. And then you came back again and made me fall in love with you all over again. You came to kiss me after rejecting me. Why would you mess with my feelings like that?" She cried and held on to her aching chest.

And Adrien felt his world crumble as tears escaped his eyes too. Marinette have every right to be upset. He'd been nothing more than a jerk. "I'm so sorry, Pr- Marinette." He attempted to move closer again but she moved further away.

"No, Adrien."

"Marinette, I really love you, I swear. That night, I was too happy to have you back and I couldn't think, you were so close to me and all I wanted to do was show you how much I loved yo-"

"Stop!" She suddenly wanted to scream. Her brain foggy with despair, and the ache in her chest worsening. "Just stop Adrien, my heart can't take anymore." She cried even harder.


"You need to leave, Adrien." And before he could protest, she turned away, "And don't ever come back here again."

It couldn't end at all. He felt wrecked inside out. Watching her walk away was tearing his soul apart. She couldn't leave him, he couldn't live without her. "Please, Princess, let me explain." He held her hand but she pulled it out of his grip.

"No! I never want to see you again!" She turned to him and everything felt destroyed, her teary eyes cutting a knife deep into him.

"I love you, and I need you, Marinette. You're all I have left." His voice broke and and so did her heart for the millionth time. "You need to stop saying that."

Miraculous One shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon