Day 6 - Snowman

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Adrien lay on his back staring at the ceiling. He stared at it like it could give him some miracle answers.

He just needed some answer. It just wasn't making any sense.

Last night with Marinette replayed over and over in his head. It was almost like he had no control. Heck, for days past the only thing he'd been able to think was Marinette.

Sure he liked being around her, she was nice, she was sweet, an amazing friend. She was a friend. So why on earth was his heart at 100bpm when they were close the previous night?

He ran his fingers through his face. He needed to think. He knew he was in love with Ladybug and before he started spending each night at Marinette's, she was the only one who could make his heart beat that fast.

But now there was Marinette. She was just so soft in his hold and her scent just somehow sends him transcending. The way she made him feel warm inside, and how much he couldn't stand the thought of being away from her.

He knew he was developing some sort of feelings for her. And he knew it needed to stop. He couldn't ruin their friendship with feelings. Marinette would never even feel that way about him.

He rolled over on the bed, this had been bugging him all day. For so long, his heart had only belonged to Ladybug, even when he tried his hardest to love someone else, it couldn't work. And now he was suddenly having feelings for Marinette.

And he just had no idea what to do about it.

"You do know it's 1 in the morning." Plagg finally decided to comment after watching the blonde groan and toss each second.

"I can't see her tonight, Plagg. I need to work out whatever I'm feeling by staying away from her." Even the thought of not being able to see her was gut wrenching. But he needed to stay be sure if what he actually felt was romantic or he was just imagining the feeling.

Afterall how possible was it that you could love two people? It wasn't. And he knew he was in love with Ladybug. Marinette was meant to be his friend only. And now he was suddenly falling and now he could ruin things between them.

"What's there to work out? You like her, she's real and there unlike Ladybug." Plagg searched through the mini fridge eager to satisfy his night cravings.

"I do like her."

"For once, you're not so dense." The kwami murmured sarcastically, unheard to the blonde.

"But I love Ladybug. Whatever I feel for Marinette shouldn't be there in the first place." He groaned into his arms. It was much more simple before but now his heart was a mess.

"Well I hope you can sleep happy with the thought that you literally ditched her tonight to think about your feelings. " Plagg stressed the last word to make his point.

Adrien sighed, he knew she must have been expecting him. And he didn't show up. The thought of just how long she must have waited somehow managed to twist some uncomfortable knots in his stomach.

"She's probably already realized that she can't count on you." The kwami caressed his cheese as he spoke.

Adrien shot up from the bed immediately, "She can't think that!"

" don't say.." Plagg muffled as he ogled the cheese. "Maybe we should go see her."

"If she's awake now, then she's probably as desperate as you are." Plagg retorted.


Marinette leaned on the railings. Somehow the cold night did not bother her. That was by far the least of her problems.

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