Day 11 - Celebrate

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"Pound it!" Ladybug took an extra second to look at him as they bumped their fist together.

Thankfully the fight was barely 30 minutes and Catnoir was eager to jump back to Marinette as fast as possible. "I'll be going now." Catnoir saluted her and pulled out his staff ready to go.

Ladybug's eyes widened, "Already‽"

"Yeah, I have somewhere I really really need to be right now." He rubbed the back of his neck out of habit, Ladybug noted.

She tilted her head to the side in confusion. She knew he was going to go back to her room to see her as Marinette but she didn't expect that he would just pass on a chance to spend some time with her alter ego. They hadn't seen each other almost the full month and he was just walking away?

"Well.. there haven't been any akumas lately and we haven't patrolled together in a long time, I was thinking you would stay and..." She was abruptly cut off by a loud banging noise from a distance.

Utterly confused, they both looked to the direction of the sound. Almost immediately the all too familiar chime sounded from his baton and her yoyo. She didn't even need to check. "You have got to be kidding me?" She grumbled under her breath.

It was truly another villain in the space of less than five minutes. Shadow moth was definitely getting desperate.

The fight was not as successful and quick as the first one. Coupled with the fact that the villain was much more powerful, Catnoir was also terribly distracted. Every second felt like a waste because he wasn't with Marinette. Even worse was that, she might've fallen asleep because the fight was going on much longer.

It was far past midnight when they finally de-akumatized the villain. After Ladybug turned everything back to normal, they did their fist bump again.

Ladybug looked at him concerned, "Are you alright? You seemed..."

"I know, I'm sorry I messed things up for us." He looked up at her with sad eyes and her chest lurched for a second as she stared. She wasn't Marinette at the moment so she didn't want to move too close than she was meant too even if she so badly wanted to comfort him.

"No, you didn't mess things up. It's obvious that something's wrong."

He shifted his gaze away, looking in the direction where Marinette's balcony was even though he was so far away he couldn't see it. Gosh he was too far away from her. "Yeah..." He mumbled sadly.

"Was it the thing you needed to do?" She asked, genuinely curious if it was really because he wanted to be with her civilian form. He nodded again, his gaze still far off.

Her heart fluttered at the thought that he cared that much, "I know it's hard to mix our personal life with bring superheroes, I'm sorry."

Ladybug stepped closer and placed her hand on his shoulder. He looked up to her gleaming eyes, somehow they still made his heart rate speed. "But remember that I'm always here to listen if anything's wrong?" She offered him a sweet smile.

He couldn't help but smile back as he slumped his shoulders. He did need someone who was not a cheese obsessed kwami to talk to about his feelings for Marinette.

They both sat the edge of the random rooftop looking down at the dark city. There was a long moment of silence, a weirdly comfortable silence as the night breeze blew against them.

"Ladybug..." He finally whispered breaking the silence, his eyes still transfixed on the city but his thoughts running miles. "Mmm...." She muffled a reply still enthralled in the night's breeze.

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