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Limitlessly part II

"Spots off!" She flopped on her bed and cried into her pillow. It felt endless, like she was being pulled into a void, the sinking feeling in her chest made it feel worse.

Why did he have to leave her now? Now when she realized she had feelings for him?

Her heart shattered all over again when she remembered him vaulting away from her. He had left her for good. She didn't know him, she couldn't ever find him. He was gone. And it was all her fault.

Her body raked with violent sobs and the kwamis looked dejectedly at her, unable to help in anyway. Tikki had explained what has happened with Catnoir to the rest of them but they couldn't help in anyway. Still they wanted to try.

"Marinette, it's going to be okay." Tikki flew closer to her and so did the rest of them.

"No, no, it's not. It'll never be okay. I love him, Tikki, but he's gone. Gone forever and it's all my fault." She felt like pulling her hair, screaming out her pain but she couldn't.

"It's all my fault." She murmured, breaking into tears. "All mine.." The kwamis surrounded her, each give her a tiny hug, offering as much comfort as they could. She wished it was working, but it wasn't.

Nothing was. All she felt was pain eating her inside out.
All their attention turned to the new voice and Plagg flew in closer.

Marinette sat up and looked up at him, he was holding the ring in his little hands. He came up to her sadly. Her heart rate quickened as it dawned on her; it was all over. She would never meet him again. "Go away, Plagg. Go back to him, I won't take the ring." She sobbed and hiccuped lightly.

If he had his ring, there would be chances of seeing him again. "He told me not to come back even if you asked me to." He muttered sadly and she buried her face into her hands crying harder.

"Who is he, Plagg?" She asked abruptly. "Please tell me, I need to see him again. It can't end like this. It can't end at all. Please just tell me who he is." She was desperately begging, "I need to go to him." She cried, her body shaking, quivering.

"Marinette..." Plagg hesitated, "I want to, I really want to. But he made me promise that I shouldn't tell you. It was his last request from me and...I ..
I just don't have the heart to break it." He was never the kind to show emotions but it was hard to watch Adrien suffer that way and seeing Marinette, he had to admit he was hurting for them.

She knew Plagg was right. It was wrong to break promises made to the ones you loved. She was going through all that pain because of that. "He's just as hurt as you, Marinette. I don't get why he's punishing himself and you." He murmured lightly.

The air was thick, tension flooded and they all looked to Marinette, waiting for her reaction.

She suddenly snapped. "What about you, Tikki? You didn't promise him. Why can't you tell me? I want to know, I need to go after him, I want him back in my life. I love him." She choked out and buried her face in her hands.

It was hard for them not to just blurt out that it was Adrien, but they had to respect his decision. He was going through a lot and the last thing he needed was someone else breaking his trust again. They just needed to console her first. "I love him so much."

"He also loves you, Marinette. Right now, he's just hurting like you." Plagg sat on her hand and so did Tikki, "Just give it time, he'll come around."

"Time‽ Time‽ How much time? How much longer can I endure this pain? It hurts! It hurts so much!" She nearly screamed unmindful of the fact that it was almost one in the morning and her parents were home.

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