Thirty - Three | Arrows Halo

567 12 0

Augusto Cyrus

A heart can continue to break once it's shattered.
I watched the love of my life take her last breath, I watched the light fade from her gorgeous hazel eyes. My children, leaving without taking a breath of fresh air on a winter day.

I stare outside as the horrid memories fill my thoughts. Over and over again.

"Your majesty it is too late to save them." The Doctor trembled.

"NO!" I grieved, "No it's not..please do something! Anything!" I tried to bargain on my knees as I kept her within my grasp. As her skin stripped of any warmth there was, I still held her close. Maybe if I hold her tight enough the blood will stop, she will become warm again.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do." Another nurse tried to touch her but I snapped.

"NO!" I look at her again, "Come on baby, wake up! You have my word to be better. Baby please." Lilian pulled me to her as my body shook. I watched as they took her away. I tried to get to her but it was no use. I killed the love of my life; I killed my children.

Why. Why you my love.

I was furious at what I'd allowed to happen. If I moved in front of her she would be here and I wouldn't. If I just killed the man right when I had the chance. That's how the plan was suppose to go. You and my babies would still be here. My children would grow and see the world for their own view. We would have our story.

Sitting in a chair on the terrace of our room, I gaze the sky. Our. I chuckled, pulling back the rest of the whiskey that was in my glass. I pour another one.

"I said in the beginning that you would never get close to me, that you would never ruin this kingdom!" I barked, my voice become hoarse.

I threw the glass to the wall, it made a shattering sound as glass occupied the floor. Never leaving the chair I was in, I kept my red puffy passionless eyes on the world in front of me. I felt nothing. Like my heart was ripped out of me and ripped to shreds by her, by me.

Her funeral is today and I don't want to go. I can't stand thinking about her in a fucking casket, never to be seen again. Her beautiful hazel eyes, oh they were the reason to love the sunset and sunrise. The way they looked in the sun, a comforting golden brown like honey.

Her hair soft like silk. The way her blonde curls would lay against her shoulders made her look innocent. Till I ruined her.

The way her laugh made broken memories within my past fade, the way she made me love her was extraordinary. She was herself- used to be a secret and an arrangement because I and her father chose to over power her. Chose to be idiots.

"Your highness? We must leave soon." Lilian's smooth voice breaks the silence.

I grunt, getting up with every word unsaid. I slip on my finest suit. A white undershirt that still smells like her with a black vest. She always wore my shirts. Sometimes, she'd do it so I wouldn't go to the meetings. So I could stay home and be with her.

Brushing my hair back into a bun the way she liked it. I remember looking at myself in the mirror to see a man I recognized, a man who mirrored his father by force. But now? Standing in front of the mirror, I no longer recognize who looks back at me. My beard is outgrown and wild just as I. The man in the mirror is no longer there- only the mirroring imagine if the heartless monster he was before.

Walking out of the room, the castle felt cold. Oddly cold with no ounce of sound. The only sound was from the click of my shoes heal upon the ground. Walking down the hall of my own home made me feel anonymous.

Putting away what's left of my emotions, I nod my head at Lilian who walks with me to the funeral. A small crowd of people stand before the casket. I had them close it out of respect for my love.

The whole time, my eyes never left the closed casket. My hands ball into fists beside my waist.

Odette brought me out of the never ending darkness. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her touch was my cure from becoming a monster like him. Although, I became one anyway. She taught me how to love, whether it was hard or not. Loving is hard when you've never been loved, but the way she loved me made loving her easy. She was mine and I, hers.

Within the background I hear the minister speak some sort of poem about love and loss.

I can't take this anymore.

Turing around I head to the castle, never once looking back. Lilian calls my name as people murmur amongst themselves. I ignore. I was a fool. The love of my life and kids are dead because of a choice I made. Never again. Now the rest of my life I will be making decisions based on them.

I was a fool. Now he will be the fool.

My plan isn't over yet. It just started.


Thank you so much for 12.9k reads!! I never thought that would be a possibility. Last chapter will be up within this week and I'll be dabbling on new works i've been thinking about.

Thank you for the support and let me know what you think! Until next time!


Wait. You thought their story was over?

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