Twenty-One | Knowledge

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Odette Sinclair

Do I love him?

A question that's been on my mind since things turned around for the better.

A couple months ago if you asked me I would have said no, but now? Everything changed. Within these months we have gotten closer as people; as a married couple.

Augusto 3 weeks ago decided it was "righteous" of me to learn how to ride a horse. Whatever that meant, I did as I was asked even after falling a couple times. He decided that was not the best decision. That and balancing books on my head created quite the laughter out of him.

"Odette, it's just a book!" He laughed.

"Augusto, you read books not put them on your head to where they can fall and bend." I smack him with the book against his shoulder.

Although the great in us is showing, lately duties call to him like no other. Rouges have been cited across our allied kingdoms making Augusto travel to other kingdoms. As much as I miss him I understand that he can't let go of his duties as king and I wouldn't want him to. It's just that being in a castle by yourself can get pretty lonely. Not to me mention, boring. Now he was barely home. Sometimes I wonder if he did it on purpose, that he was scared to be close with me. I'll have to ask him about it when he gets home.

"Good Afternoon Mrs. Sinclair" Looking over, Lilian smirks holding a tray of cookies.

"Good Afternoon Lilian! Hey, what's that?" I ask.

"These are badonas. A pastry the old Queen used to make! I found the recipe book in the kitchen while I was cleaning some cabinets out."

Setting the tray down, she continues "The book was so dusty! It must have been hidden in there since she died."

Shrugging, I pop one of the crunchy pastry into my mouth. Strawberry jelly filled the inside.

Holding a hand to my mouth, "This is so good! Who would want to hide this?" I ask with a mouth full.

It was true. I may not have met the past Queen but she did have a good pastry on her hands.

"I don't know, I mean I would like to make more of the kinds of foods she has in there- but how would the King feel? I'm sure he knows about it and has hidden it for a reason."

"You really think so? Maybe someone put it there and forgot about it." Would he? Would he purposefully hide things of his mothers so that he doesn't have to see it?

"Do you know why his mother is a sensitive topic?" I ask.

Her face fell once that question left my lips. Not a lot of things made her sad, but this was different.

"I'm sure he has told you somethings in his past. Right?" I nodded.

"Augusto since I met him has always been sensitive about her. From what I know, they were very close- too close for his fathers liking. His father was a man who believed women were nothing. Only to be used for sex in order to bring an heir. He would beat them. More so him than his mother because of his oath to protect her."

His oath to protect her.

"That's why he doesn't break his oaths. Because of what happened to his mother. Lilian, what happened next? How did she die?"

Delicate Oathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें