Nineteen | Compliment

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Odette Sinclair

He gave me his oath and I knew all too well that he wasn't going to break it. Something I respected towards him, he valued it like nonetheless I valued equality in a marriage.

I agreed on sharing my past with him like he did with me. It's only fair. He learned that today. He learned my values and what I wished for. He learned what happened.

"Did you see what the guy looked like?" Hey draped himself along the armchair of the couch across the room from our bed. His leg above his knee.

"I never knew his features but his touch was different. His aura around him seemed off." I replied.

"So if he was around you, you would be able to tell?"

Softly nodding, "Yes. It wouldn't be hard too not know."

He nodded, falling into his own thoughts. I could tell he was angry. His knuckles turned white, as his jaw tensed. His eyes averted towards the floor but from here, I could sense that they were darker. His rage radiated off of him. It wasn't because of me, I knew that much. It was because of what someone else did to me that bothered him. Almost identical of what he realizes he's done to me.

Getting up, I walked over to him. Knocking my knee into his leg to open his legs, letting me stand in between them. His eyes flickered to mine, the darkness and anger vanishing.

"Are you okay?" I ask. He was within his own mind that made him stay in his position. I grabbed his hand, setting it on my side. He slid his hand up and down my waist, never breaking eye contact. I nodded, giving him the basic okay for his other hand to meet the other side.

"Why are you upset? You weren't there then Augusto." I press.

He pulled me closer to him as he stood up. I gasped at the sudden height difference but kept the contact between our eyes. His eyes told me everything I needed to know.

"The fact that I didn't know is what hurts the most. I hurt you, the way that man did. I don't deserve you and yet I crave you like you're my only breathe of fresh air Odette."

"We have our flaws Augusto. I forgave you and I-"

"No. You shouldn't. I don't deserve your forgiveness Odette." He let me go. Walking away, towards the door, ready to walk out. I ran, grabbing the back of his jacket and pulling him with the only strength I had.

"Please don't Augusto." He looked back at me, with some sort of emotion I had no evidence to conclude. I want my marriage to work. Even if I'm selfish for it.

His hands gently pushed me against the door, leaving him to lean his body up against me. His waist trapped me, leaving no room run away. Not like I wanted to anyway.

"Permission?" He leaned closer, our lips barely touching.


One word and his lips were dancing against mine in a rough pattern. Needy, hungry and violently. Like he couldn't get enough. My hands pulled him closer by his neck but with our height difference he was practically bending down. I need him.

"Babygirl." He growled. Lifting me up, letting my legs wrap around his waist. He walked towards the foot of the bed and my back hit the satin feeling of blankets. A gasp left my lips, as I felt hot against him.

He stood up to the end of the bed, looking down at me.

"What?" I asked, sitting up.

"I want to feel your skin against mine."

I looked at him. I couldn't help but stare. My thoughts automatically made me think of the biggest scar on my body, my back. Then, within the next minute I didn't care. Scars are battle wounds on people, but are proof of how much strength that person has.

"Yes" I whispered.

Helping me up, he swiftly turned me around to get to the straps that held my dress shut. Slowly, his fingers fumbled with the strings. A growl escaped his throat as he couldn't untie it. I giggled, which gave me a look from him as he finally untied it. The tips of his fingers brushed against the opening; practically dropping the dress in an instant. The cold breeze against my skin made me shiver, awarding with a small chuckle from his lips.

I felt his fingertips run down the scar. I shivered. I've never had someone this close to see it, not even my father. His lips met my shoulder as tears started to form. I felt his eyes staring at my scar, like he's never seen anything uglier than what's stuck upon my skin.

You are a survivor Odette. You are gorgeous.

"Augusto" I whispered. His eyes suddenly met mine.

"I mean it Odette."

A tear ran down my cheek, to cover it I wrapped my hand around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss wasn't soft either, it was rough and full of pain and desire. Lifting me up, he laid me gently on the bed. A heat spread between my legs as I tried my best to push it away. I couldn't. The way his hair looks sexy disheveled, the way his eyes seemed to daring. He was my weakness. By touch, scent, by everything you can name.

He was my equal from the start. I was bonded to him in a way that being delicate wasn't an option. Walking into this, into this agreement I knew what was going to happen. He was not a man used to affection, love and trust. I was going to be the first to show him the light even if it hurt me in the end.

Looking at him, he slid himself off of me and took his shirt off. My eyes widened as my eyes wondered the lines that shown his abdomen. Scars in different directions but all I saw was a fighter.

I moved closer to him and put my hands on his abdomen. He flinched and looked at me, trying to think of something to tell me. Trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"What are you-?"

"Shhh" I replied. I pulled him closer, kissing each scar. Men have scars, they have emotions and in this world they are not allowed. They give so much and in return get so little. There's only so much a man can do before he breaks everything around him, including himself.

"They are beautiful" I murmured beneath the kisses.

He flips us to I'm under him again. Pushing my legs up and around him, he slowly pushes himself against me while kissing my neck.

"Augusto please." I whimper against him.

That's all it took. I became his other half with each thrust. My fingers legs cuts and lines down his back. Marks were all over my neck and collarbone by his teeth and it didn't hurt. I was his wife, mate and friend. I was given trust with a heart attached.

Thank you


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