Ten | Flinched.

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Odette Sinclair

The way his eyes never left mine when he did it. He kissed me, unexpectedly. His lips were soft and gentle against mine as his arms circled my waist, drawing me closer to him.

Underneath his shirt I felt the muscles contract from my touch. My touch alone made his body react the way it did and it made my heart flutter. The urgency his fingers made their way down and around my body made everything else disappear. The way his kisses made their way down my neck to the crease of sensitivity between my collarbone and neck made something in me grow.  Something growing at a dangerous rate. I was no longer in control.

Our breathing matched each other's as our heart rate's fought for speed. We moved, I don't know how or when but we did. I was placed upon his desk as papers flew to the left and right of us. My hands went up and through his hair and oh was it soft. The way the silk strands tickled my hand made me gently tug, receiving a groan out of him. His sense of urgency radiated through him, the need in him filled my senses.

"Odette." He wanted with a throaty tone. The way my name came out of his mouth made everything else come from desire.

"Augusto" I pleaded, trying to figure out if this was wrong or right. It was both; I knew that and he did. I wanted this everyday with him as my mate but for him, it was a different story.

He pushed away from me suddenly, remembering where he was and what was happening before him. His chest and shoulders went up and down as if breathing for air was a rare occasion. Books on the shaking shelves behind him fell to the ground. My fingers went to my sore and bruised lips as I fought for air alone. His look of pure disgust at me shown brighter than any star in the sky. No. That didn't happen. Did it?

"Get out." He snapped.

"Augusto please-" He raised his hand, smacking me right across my right cheek. Just like the last time.

"GET OUT ODETTE!" his voice interrupted as he seethed. 

Backing up slowly, he finally realized what he did, again. I ran out the room, full of embarrassment. I couldn't tell if it was from me..or the fact I let; no more like allowed him to hit me again. But how was I suppose to know?

Behind me, the noises of objects around his room being thrown as if they weighed nothing, grew louder.

I should have moved before it got worse.

This was all my fault.


Claire lit the fireplace tonight for me, as she thought I grew ill. A quick understand able to being fixed left me in peace honestly.

I stared into the fireplace reliving todays actions.

Why didn't I do anything to stop it?

If I have to hear you talk about this being your fault O, I'll seriously kick your ass.

Maxi! Don't speak those words like that!

So what? What are you gonna do? I roll my eyes.

You don't have a filter, do you? For as long as she's been with me, you would think I would know this by now.

Nope, I'm like a running waterfall. You have known me since you were 10, and you're just finding this out?

I laugh, standing to walk towards the terrace door.

Have you talked to his wolf? Is there anything?

They are both fucking stubborn A. I mean seriously, I think they were made for each other more than mates are. I laugh, letting out a small snort. Maxi loves to be sarcastic, a very good quality of hers as her 'no filter' really means she is open and truthful.

His wolf Seth agrees that he should be more open and into the mate bond but understands his past on such topic.

Will he ever plan to tell me? I ask.

I don't know, but all I know O is not to push anything. He's like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and I don't want to be there when he does. Nodding, I understand where she is coming from.

For fucks sake he's slapped us twice already.

I sigh shutting her out, not wanting to hear anymore of that topic. What could I do? Nothing besides let it happen.

The moonlight was brighter tonight. Not a full moon, but just about. A chill ran up my spine like I was being watched. Turing around, there was no one. Quickly heading back inside, I shut and lock the doors making sure the paranoia would end. But it didn't.

"I can do this. For my kingdom and people." I nodded, trying to persuade myself the inevitable of my abilities. Can I really though?

Pushing the thought away, I crawl into bed letting the darkness take me.


Splashing cold water on my face, the morning sun threatened to enter my quarters. My windows were shut, yet with the small cracks the curtains left they screamed to be shown.

Claire came in this morning, saying Augusto wishes to speak to me. I turned it down, my heart raced after I said no. Since then, it's been an hour and no word.

Woah, you finally said no to something.

Shh Maxi. Don't speak like that, you know how I feel about it.

Silence. This time, she cuts me out.

'Knock, knock'

"Odette?" His voice bellows from the other side of the door.

"Your highness?" I walk towards the door.

Odette? don't you dare open the-

I open the door. He stands there, smelling of sharp whiskey, his hair disheveled and eyes as tired as ever.

Within the blink of an eye, he pulls me closer claiming me as his. I'm too stunned to say or do anything, so I just stand there frozen. His hand wrapped around the cheek he slapped me, I flinched causing him to hug me tighter.

What is going on?

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