Nine | King's Word

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Odette Sinclair

To have the one destined for you, made for you say something like that hurts. The most painful kind of hurt; rejection. He didn't have to say the vows of rejection but I knew that's what he wanted. I knew within this agreement, what was set for my life. A relationship with no security, no lust and no love; nothing.

Displacing the thoughts, I decided to join Lillian today. Walking around the castle, making preparations for the wedding and the ball of our gathering as allies. The wedding was private, family only along with Lilian and was to be in the ballroom, that's how he said he wanted it before he disappeared into his office early this morning.

Walking around with Lilian, she talked about her life here. In my opinion, it seems interesting.

"The first ever ball I worked for was here. It was absolutely chaotic. A fight broke out." Lilian shared. She wrote in a book the things I pointed to regarding the wedding like table clothes and flowers.

"Why would a fight break out during a ball?" I asked.

"Well you see, it was between two kings and unmated males being a little too touchy with their hands, if you understand what I'm saying and let me just tell you it was a close call to a couple people dying."

"What were they fighting over?" I hand another maid my food menu of choice.

"Females and the book of Mortality."she shrugs and continues moving down the long wooden table.

The book of Mortality. The worlds most powerful thing when hiding truths to our deceitful living. War after war and you would think people would understand it's not worth the battle of trying to find the book. Some people are just dumbfounded.

"So, what exactly is in that book?" I ask.

"What's in the book?" She looked at me and sighs, " No one has even ever seen that book as far as my knowledge goes. It's the compromises of the sun and moon goddesses. That thing is shut tight and hidden very well. Rumor has it that it talks about a way to wipe the whole nation clean. No vampires, werewolves, witches: nothing." I nod, looking around at my other options.

"Who would want to wipe everyone out?" I question, "That would just mean they'd be killing themselves."

"Unless they know a way to keep it from happening to them." She grins.

Could something like this be possible? I don't know and I don't want to find out.

Lilian guides me through another hallway into another ball room. Roses, lilies, tulips and many more that covered the table. The roses immediately caught my eye and I rightfully grabbed them, handing them to the maid behind us.

The satisfaction in Lillian's face seemed like I made the right choice.


"Mm?" She hums, letting her head slightly turn showing she's paying attention.

"You've obviously been here for a very long time. Has the King always been this silent?" I think long and hard trying to find the right words to say, "Has he always been this cold hearted?"

Pausing, she looks at me and sighs.

"The King's mother died when he was young, but young enough to remember. His father? Not the greatest man but he did what he needed to do to protect his kingdom. There were things that shouldn't have been done and I will leave that for him to discuss with you." Nodding, I simply understood what it meant for sacrificing whatever was needed to protect millions-thousands of people; protecting the innocent. But when does it end? Never. Not until the evil and the threats are faded.

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