Fourteen | Bells

862 26 1

Odette Sinclair

The sun crept through the cracks of the curtains.

Todays the day.

I'm not sure if I should be excited or nervous or nothing. This is a day every young girl dreams of; the day I dreamed of. I'm getting that dream, but with only a deal made.

'Knock, knock'

"Come in." I acknowledge.

Walking in, Claire and Lilian smile, my dress within their hands. "Good Morning your majesty."

They hang the dress on the rack, displaying my shoes beside it.

"Are you nervous?" Claire brings a box in, displaying my crown and jewelry.

"Yes. Is it normal to be this nervous?"

They chuckle, "Of course it is your highness, all brides do. All you need to focus on is breathing, everything will be fine." Lilian speaks.

I guess they are right. As much as I couldn't tell what I was feeling, I guess it's normal to not know.

Getting into a robe, I sit in front of my vanity.

"Now Princess, how would you like your hair?" Claire starts to play with it as someone walks in.

"If you wouldn't mind, I would like to surprise the bride with the choice." Looking over I see Emily and boy did it bring tears to my eyes.

"Emily!" I run to her and hug her.

"I missed you too Princess. Now let's get you ready." She smiles pulling away.

I introduce her to Lilian and Claire which went great.

"So how exactly did you get here?" Lilian asks.

"It's a secret." She smirks. Putting pins on the table, she starts braiding and putting up pieces of my hair, wrapping it into a bun. She curls the rest of my hair before adding pins and cute clips.

"Should we do a dark eye look or light Em?" Claire asks Emily. In a small amount of time, they have became close friends in which I love. Lilian hangs back and watches, saying things here and there.

"Light, make her eyes pop out." Lilian adds.

"I agree." Emily grabs a couple palettes and gets to work.

By the time my makeup was done, they helped me slip into my dress. Tying and lacing the back. I stepped into my heels and when I took my final look, I tried not to cry.

"You look beautiful darling." Lilian ginned, tears forming into her eyes.

I started to tear up, quickly fanning my eyes so I don't ruin any of my makeup.

"I agree Princess, he won't be able to take his eyes off of you." Claire smiles.

"Or his hands." Emily smirks, earning a laugh out of all of us.

'Knock, knock'

"Who is it?" I ask.

"You're future husband." He says behind the door.

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