Six | New Territory

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Odette Sinclair

"I'm going to miss you Odette, be sure to write to me." Emily whispers through tears.

"Always Emily, I will be sure to visit when I can. Keep the old man sane for me." Giving her a weak smile, she nods.

"I will certainly try to, you know how he is." We laugh, feeling the sorrow dissipate.

"Let's go, I have business to attend to." His stern voice breaks out, he opens the carriages door. I gave Emily one last hug before standing in front of my father. 

"Keep an eye out for the messenger boy. Paintings will be sent your way." He hugs me, a tight and warm-loved one. One of the last I suppose.

"You will do great things my dear. It will only take an awakening to do that." he whispers within my hair. Kissing my head, he leaves me to watch him walk away.

Turning around, I occupy the carriage as Augusto enters behind me. One final glance as everything I ever knew was beginning to fade in the back, leaving no sign of my father.


The skyline spoke colors. So many words left unspoken as mother would say. Their was silence within this carriage, the only thing creating noise was the harsh chirp of the crows of the morning.

Augusto sat across from me. Stuck in his own mental war with himself. At least that's what I see. At some moments I sneak small glances at him. I couldn't help it; the mate bond was strong and he knew that. Did he even sleep? how long have we been traveling?

Sitting up, the world around me changed. It was dark- eerie with fire aflame on wooden poles. The dark sky cried winter flakes and for a minute, a minute only did this feel like home. I quickly realized I was nowhere home but in a new territory, a new home.

"Good Morning Princess, we are almost there." He emphasized the 'morning' with sarcasm.

"How long was I asleep for?" My voice comes out slightly raspy.

"Not long, a couple hours I suppose." He responds without looking at me. Not a fan of eye contact- noted.

"Is there something your not pleased with Princess?"  He asked.

"No, just simply tired. That's all."

"You simply cannot still be tired from your nap, can you?" Rolling his eyes, he questions with annoyance.

"I suppose you're right."  I keep my eyes out the window. Looking ahead on what I shall get myself into.

I've seen the map of the country; I knew every line of each boundary but this road...was new. Almost as it was hidden.

"It's a secret road to my house." He verified, "I'm a man of my privacy."

"I suppose you hired a witch to cast a spell around your territory so no enemies could find you." I grinned.

"I fucked her for the favor. It was a beneficial favor, don't you think?" He smirked, finally his eyes met mine.

"Do you pleasure yourself with women whenever you want something?" Saying such things leave a distaste in my mouth. How could a women be okay with being used in such a manner?

"Oh of course, would you like to be the next one? Give me an heir and it's a deal."  I stayed silent as he finished his sentence. How could he say that to me? I'm not saying I like this guy but he is my mate and future husband. I agreed to do this for my people, never did I imagine for me to find my mate in this arrangement. Then why does my heart seem to hurt?


I felt every so often his eyes would be fixated on me. Sometimes, I would look to see he would have already been looking out his window; like he felt I was going to look. Mysterious- noted. My thoughts traveled. I remember the tone of his voice; hurtful, I remember the emotion in his eyes; anger and loathing, things I couldn't forget that made my heart ache in some twisted way. Does he mean it? What does that mean for the bond?


"Yes Princess?"

I think back to the books I've read about mates when I was younger. I knew once one was rejected, they would slowly die until they went mad. The other although had the choice to be okay with it, or take it back. In most cases, rejection was rare unless love was stronger than a bond.

"Is it true if two mates don't give into the mate bond that one could die?" My question seemed to displease him, even shock him. I don't know, I couldn't tell what the emotion was on his face as he keeps it hidden.

Shaking his head, he moves his hand aside- enlisting we disclose it. "It's not lady like of you to think such things."

"Not lady like of me? How? I'm looking out for myself if I must be prepared to die because you're being ignorant and a coward." I jerked. That's only half true of why.

In one swift motion his hand was on my throat. In other times I would have wanted more but the shocks overwhelmed me as tears started to shield my eyes. A clear, ice watering shield.

"I am no coward. I am marrying you because your father is a coward. He gave you up to save his kingdom that is threatened. Did he tell you that? He needs MY help cause his kingdom is weaker. So don't you dare insult me Amaya." He threw me back against the seat, holding his hands in fists and closing his eyes. I kept my eyes down, swallowing every tear that threatens to show.

"We are here your highness." The coachmen called. He threw open the door, basically running into his home leaving me outside. Taking a moment, I wipe the tears that fell.

I slowly make my way out with the help of the coachmen. Looking around me, the trees seemed to be made of dark oak, with black leaves. Although there was no fire on them, winter snow never made it to the ground. It snowed in the air and melted before making it to ground. Dancing to their death.

The castle seemed to be distant from the village, with woods and a river surrounding the castle. 'I am a man of my privacy'

"Hello Princess Sinclair, my name is Lilian and I will be here to assist you" She had a bright smile to her. Like the kind of smile that would wash away my fears, and it did. Her hair was a silver white as she seemed older. Small wrinkles laid beside the outer corners of her eyes but she never seemed to trick the fact she still seemed so young.

"It's nice to meet you Lilian." I smiled, following her through the double doors of what seemed to be my new territory.

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