Eighteen | Scar's Truth

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Odette Sinclair

The woods around me knew my secrets. It heard the screams and saw the torment. It saw everything and it never dared to help me. Blood mixed with wolfsbane mixed through the air. I wasn't alone. I knew that. I was smart enough to know I was never alone here nor did I willingly come here. He brought me here.

"What do you want from me!" I trembled. He didn't move. Not a single inch, instead he watched me. Waited for me to run so he could catch me. Repetition.

I couldn't shift. The amount of wolf's bane within my system made that inevitable.

Odette, we have to get out of here.

Survival was a question that crossed my mind several times. I never thought my life would be like this, I never thought I would be the victim to my father's mistake. What did I have to lose though? I was only known as the princess, everything handed to her on a golden plate.

So, I ran. I ran so fast that my heart was hammering against my chest and yet it wasn't enough. With a harsh and swift movement, he caught me; throwing me into a tree. I heard it, the knife he takes out and by the smell of it; it's covered in wolfsbane. Running it down my back I held my screams. If this was to be my end, why share it to the trees and ground I walk on. Why let the wind and sky know that I'm gone. Why give this man satisfaction?

"I can't hear you darling." His thick Italian voice spoke. His voice was raspy, almost like when someones through hurts. He pressed harder on the knife and so I screamed. I let it be known for my death. I screamed for ages and by the time he stopped, I no longer had a voice. I no longer had maxi. I no longer had myself, I was gone.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, losing all sight of what was around me.

It was bright. I couldn't tell if I was outside or inside. I knew I was laying down but where was questionable. My chest felt heavy, remembering what happened was a repetition but not like this. I felt so much of what I felt that night, that all I could do is scream. I choked, I sobbed. I let it out as more pain in my heart came. I don't know where the pain came from but it hurt so much.

I was stuck in this life and I almost wished I died that night. Maybe I wouldn't have to marry someone who doesn't want to be in the same room as me long enough to create a conversation. Maybe maxi would be given a new person to watch over, given a new opportunity to be strong like I know she is.

"Odette! You're okay, you're with me." Someone comforted, but it didn't help. I screamed louder as the pain grew. My head along with my body felt as if it was lit on fire, beaten to death and thrown around. I was hit. I was thrown around. It all came back as I knew he smashed my head against the wall well knowing that I told him it hurt. Just like the unknown man did then. The way he grabbed my wrist was frightening, it was almost as if the man I knew walked away; shutting the world out all over again.

The man I knew? I shouldn't say that because I don't know a single thing about him. The only thing I know is that he has major anger issues.

"Odette! Relax, I'm going to grab Augusto!" The women voiced. My ears couldn't make out half the sentence. All I heard was his name and I screamed louder, cried harder and the world around me seemed to fade.

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