Truth Is

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The day that Ben was suppose to arrive came and Miranda hadn't felt this depressed in a long time. They had plans of unpacking his stuff and then spending the day making love to celebrate their new life together. But here she was sitting in the middle of her couch watching scary movies in an attempt to not think about the fact that the love of her life was choosing not to be with her. Miranda picked up her phone and looked at the picture she'd made of Ben, Daniella and herself. They literally hadn't spoken to each other in a month but she sent the picture to Ben hoping that when he saw it he would at least call her. She was mad that he was choosing not to be with her right now but she missed him so much it hurt. She just laid on the couch letting her tears soak into the pillow as she aimlessly stared at the tv until she fell asleep.

Ben sat in his living room looking at the boxes he'd packed. He'd been packing his house despite not being sure when he was moving to North Carolina because he'd already put the house on the market and someone was interested in buying it.  He decided to get up and go visit his parents. He hadn't yet told them the news he told Curtis and his brother promised to not say anything.

Ben arrived at his parents house and knocked on the door, "Benjamin it's nice to see you on a weekday and it's very odd of you to not bust through my door and yell through the house," Janice said as she hugged her son.

"Hey mom, where is dad?" Ben asked.

"He is in the den watching sports where he lives ever since he retired," Janice said nonchalantly.

"I can hear you my love," David said sweetly.

Ben smiled and shook his head as he walked toward his dad, "what's up pops," Ben said.

"Mmmm aren't you supposed to be gone," David said and Janice stood behind the couch nodding her head in agreement.

"Yeah but Miranda told me something that is hindering me from wanting to leave....she told me that she found out we were pregnant after they moved away. Her parents wouldn't let her come back to tell me so she went through nine months of pregnancy without me. She gave birth to our baby girl and had plans to travel back here so that I could meet her but she ended up dying from SIDS before that could happen.

"And now I just can't bring myself to leave because I don't want to have to see those people because of what they took from me. And I know it hurts Miranda but I can't think about Miranda without thinking about our baby girl and it hurts too much right now," Ben explained as he did his best to remain calm and not cry.

Ben looked at his parents who looked like all the color had been drained from their faces. He knew telling them would be a shock but they looked almost devastated. David put his face in his hands and took a deep breath.

"Tell him Janice," David said looking at his wife.

"Tell me what?" Ben asked confused.

Janice had a worried and scared look on her face, "Elaina was able to get in contact with me through a mutual friend after we changed our number. She told me about the baby—

"So you—you knew about my baby? YOU KNEW ABOUT MY BABY AND DIDN'T TELL ME!" Ben said getting upset and standing up.

"Don't yell at your mother," David said.

"Why—Why would you not tell me? So you were really okay with me not being a part of my child's life? For what just so I wouldn't have to struggle, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR MIRANDA AND OUR DAUGHTER," Ben yelled.

"WHY?" Ben demanded.

"Looking back my excuses for not telling you weren't valid. I said you were already depressed enough and we didn't need you trying to run off to  be with her," Janice said as she started crying.

"We just didn't need you trying to run off son, we knew you well enough to know that if you knew about the baby you would. And you didn't have the means to care for the baby so we were going to wait until—

"Wait until what,  I was out on my own and off in college? I don't understand why you would think that was okay. I missed being there for Miranda while she was pregnant, the birth of our child and the short amount of life she lived all because it wasn't convenient to you," Ben expressed.

Ben stormed out of his parents house and quickly drove off. He made it home and began packing more of his things but he felt so hurt and betrayed by his parents. He sat down for a moment to gather himself and he instantly took out his phone and saw a text from Miranda.

For the first time in a month the thought of her made him smile and feel happy instead of sad. He opened the text and was frozen seeing Miranda, Daniella and himself in a picture together. Ben got up and began packing his stuff into his truck and the storage container he rented. He hooked the container to his truck, put Miranda's address in his gps and got on the road.

Miranda woke up later that night and it was dark in her living room. She sat up when she saw the headlights from a car pulling into her driveway. She stood up wondering who would be pulling into her driveway this late. She went to the door and saw Ben get out of the truck and run up to the door. She quickly opened the door and Ben paused when she opened the door. Ben slowly walked up to her and Miranda eyes started to water quickly.

"Miranda baby I'm sorry, I'm here now," Ben said as he embraced her.

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