Chapter 38

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[𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐕]

At Sangonomiya Kokomi's invitation, we decided to visit the Sangonomiya shrine, the head quarters of the resistance.

Once where there, we talk to Kokomi about the food supplies that's been running low and telling us about the third supporter that told her that they wished to support the Watatsumi Island resistance effort.

"Thanks to them, we can finally start recruiting troops on the scale we need to openly confront the Shogun's army in the front line." Kokomi spoke.

"Sounds great." Lumine said.

"Sounds mysterious." I added.

Kokomi then replies to us.

"I have my doubts about the whole affair but...Watatsumi Island is hardly affluent, and these supplies are a much needed lifeline to us."

"The sender's conditions were also reasonable. They simply asked us to dedicate ourselves fully on fighting against the Shogun's army."

"Whatever other motives that they may have, we are atleast aligned on this. So, let's consider them an anonymous ally."

"Naturally we shouldn't let our guard down. If you discover anything out of the ordinary, please report it to me at once."

The four of us nodded as Paimon then speaks to her.

"When will the Vision Hunt Decree finally end?"

Kokomi then replies to her.

"That's the question that I dont have answers..."

"The mere existence of the Vision Hunt Decree is baffling. The Tenryou commission's attitude just doesn't seem to add up, and neither does the Shogun's."

"The Tenryou commission's earnest support for the decree seemed to come out of nowhere. And the Shogun seems completely indifferent to the fact that it has effectively caused a civil war."

"I suspect the Vision Hunt Decree wont end until these mysteries are solved.

"Y/N and Lumine... to confirm, knowing the current situation facing Watatsumi Island and the resistance... Do you both still willing to fight for us?"

We nodded as she continued to talk.

"Good. Then can I ask the both of you to choose who will be the captain of the Watatsumi Island special operation unit, Swordfish II?"

Teppei then speaks to her.

"Whoa, whoa, what!? Swordfish II!? Is this the same Swordfish speacial ops unit that I'm thinking of?"

"It's hard enough getting into a special ops unit at the bottom rung, let alone jumping as a captain in one fell swoop! This is incredible!"

Kokomi nodded as she then turn her gaze to us.

"So have you both decided who will be leading the Swordfish II?"

Both Lumine and I looked at one another as I turn my gaze to her.

"Yeah, Lumine will do it."

Lumine look at me in shocked and speaks to me directly.

"Eh!? Y/N are you sure? I do know for a fact that you're a better leader than me."

I simply nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure you'll fit for that job." I replied.

Being part of a captain in Watatsumi Island doesn't seem to suit my taste and not to mention that I'm a former general leading the Shogunates a long time ago...

The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin