Jisoo sniffled. "What if... t-this is all my...d-dad's fault? Can they...c-can they watch him too? Can...they investigate him too?" She asked still hugging the brunette

Jennie pulled away to look into Jisoo's eyes. She cupped her face and wiped the tears. Gladly, she already stopped crying.

"Are you sure about that, Chu? Do you think your Dad can really do that?"

Jisoo's gaze dropped. "I don't know...but he doesn't like you...he is against our relationship so... it's possible...right?" she said, but it feels so heavy because that's still her Dad, even if she's not sure, it's still hurting her thinking that this might all her Dad's doing.

"Let's just wait for the police, okay? I think they will go here later to talk to my parents about the case. Maybe they already found something or hopefully, they already found Rosie."

Jisoo looked up to her girlfriend again. "I'm so sorry about Rosie," she said sadly.

"Chu, can you stop saying sorry? It's not your fault, understood?" Jennie said firmly


"Stop or I will get mad at you"

It made Jisoo pout that received a peck from Jennie.

"We will get through this, love. Together." She smiled softly

Jisoo can't help but smile back.

For the rest of the afternoon, Jisoo stayed beside the brunette and they just cuddled with each other inside Jennie's bedroom.

Lisa was still so worried about Rosé. She's blaming herself too because she wasn't able to protect her. They just took her easily in front of her naked eyes but Jisoo told her to stop blaming herself.

In the evening, Lisa came back to Jennie's house hoping that the police already found her Rosie.

Sadly, there are still is no traces of where Rosé could be.

They are following Haein but they told them that there's nothing suspicious with his actions.

Jisoo told the police about her situation with her Dad and told them if they can investigate him too. She was hesitant at first but she thought that it was harmless, they will just investigate him to know if he knows something. Not contacting her for days made Jisoo feel suspicious about her Dad, he was not like that.

And Haein too, he never messages her since the day she told him to fuck off.

The police told them that they will just be back if there are progress about the case.

Jennie's parents hired bodyguards for protection for Jennie and all of them as well.

Jisoo thought at first that her girlfriend's parents will be mad at her and will tell her to stay away from their daughter but Mr. And Mrs. Kim made it clear that they are not blaming Jisoo for all of this. They are actually happy and thankful that Jisoo stayed by Jennie's side because they know the brunette loves it and they can see that Jisoo really makes their daughter happy. They wouldn't dare to ruin that.


It's been a week.

still, no traces of where Rosé is.

There are no suspicious things that are happening around them.

It made Jennie scared, she thought what if they would not able to find her cousin, what if they will never catch them. They will never have peace.

Lisa thought that she might get crazy if they won't be able to find Rosé. She misses her so much.

Jisoo never leaves Jennie's side, afraid that something bad will happen to her. Jennie finds it so adorable because even going to the bathroom, Jisoo would follow her and wait outside the door until she's done doing her thing.

"Chu, my leg is okay now. You don't need to guide me every time I'm going somewhere." Jennie chuckled before sitting on her bed.

"Just wanna make sure you are safe, Jendeuk." She said standing in front of Jennie before grabbing her phone from her pocket.

"Baby, we are inside our house. Nothing bad will happen and there are guards outside and....you are here with me so I feel safe." She smiled at Jisoo who is now frowning while looking into her phone

"Hey what's the problem?" Jennie asked worriedly before pulling her wrist to sit beside her.

"Someone messaged me. Unknown number."

"What was the message?"

Jisoo handed the phone to Jennie.

Jennie read the message out loud.
"I know where Rosé is?! Who is this Chu? Wait... There's an address. Let's go there!" She stood up.

Jisoo quickly held Jennie's arm. "No. We can't just trust whoever sent that. Even when it's true, we can't go there all by ourselves."

Jennie let out a sigh and sat again "Right. I'm sorry. I'm just desperate to find Rosie. I know they took her because of me. I know they are mad that I didn't die because of the accident that's why they took my cousin. They are doing this for me to leave you."

Jisoo was about to speak but Jennie but her off. "and no, I know what you are thinking. I won't ever leave you. Even if we are against the world, I will never leave you. My life would be more miserable if you are not part of it anymore.....We will get through this."

And then suddenly Jisoo's phone rang.

It's an unknown number.

Jennie was about to answer the call but Jisoo stopped her. "Let me answer it."

She took a deep breath before answering it and decided to turn the speaker on so Jennie could hear it as well.

"Jisoo? Hello? "

Jennie and Jisoo's eyes widened.

It's Rosé!

"Rosie?! Where are you? Did they hurt you? Are you okay?"

"Jen?! Oh my God please help me....they didn't hurt me but I don't wanna be here anymore...please please."

"Tell me where are you, Rosie? We will help you don't worry. Who took you? Do you know them? Please tell me. Tell me where you are."

Then suddenly they heard a weird noise.

"Rosé are you still there? Hello?" Jisoo was the one who asked

There was silence until someone speak on the other line.

"Hello, Jisoo? It's me."


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