Chapter 18

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Jennie just hummed without looking at Jisoo who is sitting beside her.

"Jendeukie, say ahh"

When Jennie looked up, she saw there's a slice of pizza in front of her. Then she looked at Jisoo raising her eyebrows.

Jisoo pouted. "You are not eating. Say ahh"

Jennie smiled and took a bite of the pizza. Jisoo grinned and continue feeding Jennie since the brunette was busy writing something.

"Rosie, say ahh"

Jennie and Jisoo looked across them. Jennie chuckled when she saw her cousin was surprised and is now blushing while Jisoo rolled her eyes at her best friend because she knows that she's teasing her.

It's been a week since they talked on the rooftop and it was really helpful for Jisoo, she feels better now than before even though she's still worried about what will happen when her Dad finds out but she keeps telling herself not to think about those negative things.

She and Jennie are not yet officially together but they are happy with what they have as of now.

They are now in the cafeteria, having their lunch.

"So...Chu, I forgot to I banned in your house now? Your Dad caught us lying." Lisa pouted

Jisoo looked up to her best friend.
"He didn't say anything about you. Try to go there this Saturday and let see what will happen." Jisoo suggested

"What? No. What if he kicks me out and throws me into the sea?!"

Jisoo rolled her eyes while Rosé and Jennie just stifled a laugh.

"You are exaggerating, Lisa."

"Fine. Let's watch a movie!" Lisa said excitedly

Jennie pouted, she wants to join but she knows that she can't go to Jisoo's house.

Jisoo turned to look at the brunette then she giggled when she saw her pouting.

"What's wrong, Jendeuk?"

"I wanna watch a movie with you too"

"Then join us, Jennie. Bring Rosie too!" Lisa grinned

"Lisa, she can't" Jisoo let out a sigh

"Oh...I forgot"

Then Jisoo grabbed Jennie's hand and placed it on her lap, she intertwined it with hers.

"I'm sorry. I'll try to ask my Dad if I can go out this Saturday. We can watch movies in your place if it's okay with you. If it's okay with your parents" Jisoo smiled while caressing the back of Jennie's hand with her thumb

It made Jennie smile widely then turned into a frown immediately. "But...will your Dad let you?"

"I'll just say that I'll go to Lisa's place to do some school works"

"Okay... I'll just tell my parents but I'm sure it's okay with them." Jennie smiled and leaned in to kiss Jisoo's cheek.

Jisoo smiled and kiss the back of Jennie's hand. She turned to look at her best friend. "So Lisa... you can come to our house next time but this Saturday, I'll go to your house to pick you up and we'll go to Jennie, okay?"

"Okay! That means, spending time with Rosie!" She said cheerfully and grinned at Rosé who is beside her with flushed cheeks.

"Stop making my cousin blushed, Lisa" Jennie teased

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