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"Wake up! Wake up, Chu!" Lisa sang as soon as she enters Jisoo's bedroom.

But it was not enough to wake up Jisoo so she jumps on the bed and laid herself on top of Jisoo.

Jisoo groaned "Lalisa! Get off!"

"Get up now. Come with me" Lisa said as she gets off the bed.

Jisoo covered her head with a pillow. "Nooo. Let me sleep"

"Come on, Chu. Don't waste my effort"

Jisoo removed the pillow that covered her head then she looks at Lisa. "What effort are you talking about?" She asked

"I talked to your Dad to ask permission."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "You already did that for how many times"

"But your Dad is scary and it takes courage to talk to him."

Jisoo let out a sigh. "Fine." She sat up and leaned against the headboard

"Get up now and take a shower."

"By the way, who let you in?"Jisoo asked

"Your Dad. He was leaving when he saw me outside"

"He left? He always leaves even on Sundays." Jisoo sighed

"Maybe for work"

"It's Sunday but yeah maybe. Anyway, I'm gonna tell the guards next time not to let you in so I can sleep peacefully."

"You can't do that!" Lisa gasped

"Why not?" Jisoo raised her brows

"If you do that, then I'll just ask your Dad to let me in."

"I thought you're scared of him?"

"Yes. But I am his favorite friend of yours"

"Lisa, you are my only friend, remember?"

"But still... I'm still his favorite."

"Yeah? Well....not until he finds out that you're gay."

Lisa's eyes widened "No no no...he can't. He will curse me to death and...we won't be able to see each other anymore. I can't live without you Chu!"

Jisoo threw a pillow at Lisa "Stop being dramatic."

"But I'm serious though. This is a serious matter, Jisoo. You know him."

"I know."

"What do you think will happen when he finds out that his only daughter is gay?"

"You already know the answer, Lisa. He's homophobic so for sure he will disown me."

"or he will kill you" Lisa joked

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "You're exaggerating. He's not a murderer."

"You'll never know," Lisa said jokingly

"Anyway, why are you here? It's Sunday"

"Yes, I know."

"Is that important?"


"What is it?"

"I'm bored" Lisa replied casually

"What?!" Jisoo asked in disbelief

"I'm bored. Come with me. Let's go to the mall."

"I don't want to."

"I'll treat you. Anything you want"



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