Chapter 16

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Jennie woke up in a great mood today. She's excited to see Jisoo again.

"Why do you look so happy, Jennie?" Jennie's mom asked

They are now taking their breakfast, Jennie is sitting beside Rosé while her parents are sitting across them.

Jennie looked up to her Mom and smiled. "It's nothing"

"Nothing? But you look like you are...."

"She's in love" Rosé butted in but still focusing on her food

Mr and Mrs. looked at Rosé.

"What?" They both asked in unison.

While Jennie just ignored them and enjoyed her food while humming happily.

"See? Look at her." Rosé finally looked up and chuckled

"Care to explain, Jennie?" Her Dad asked

"There's nothing to explain, Dad," Jennie replied without looking at him.

"But my one and only daughter are in love. Don't I have the right to know about it?"

Jennie finally looked up and looked at her parents who are waiting for her to talk.

"Do I really look like I'm in love? I don't know.....I never felt like this before"

Her parents just raised their eyebrows. These past few days they notice that their daughter is different but in a good way.

"You are in love with Kim Jisoo, Jen." Rosé speaks again

"Kim Jisoo? Who is this, Jennie? Who is this girl that makes my daughter happy like this? I have never seen you this happy before." Her Dad smiled at her

He likes this Jennie. This is more better than before.

"We want to meet her, Jennie," Her Mom said.

"Mom, Dad... she's not my girlfriend yet"


She smiled widely. "I'm still working on it."

Her parents were surprised because Jennie usually gets what she wants right away especially when it comes to girls. They really know their daughter.

"She's different and I'll do anything for her and I'll wait for her whatever it takes. She's worth it." Jennie smiled softly

Her parents smiled. "Then let us meet her soon, okay?"

Jennie smiled and nodded to her parents before focusing on her meal again.

Rosé just smiled hearing her cousin talk about Jisoo.
"She has really fallen in love with Jisoo," she thought


Jennie entered their classroom with a bright smile plastered on her and she smiled, even more, when she saw Jisoo, she was reading a book. Lisa has not yet arrived.

Jennie walked towards their seats. Her cousin was just following behind her.

"Hey baby" Jennie greeted with a grin then she put her things on her seat and went to sit beside Jisoo.

Rosé just went straight to her seat and didn't bother Jennie and Jisoo.

"I'll just sit here for now since Lisa is not yet here, okay?" Jennie smiled at Jisoo who is still reading a book

But Jisoo had already stopped reading when she noticed Jennie entered their classroom a while ago.

Jennie's eyebrows furrowed when Jisoo didn't respond to her and she just realized that Jisoo didn't even spare a glance to her when she came in.

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