Chapter 28

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Jisoo immediately went to Jennie's house after she walked away from Haein.
As soon as she arrived, they bombarded her with questions and Jennie checked every part of her body thinking that her Dad hurt her but thankfully he didn't and they all felt relieved.

They all expected that Mr. Kim would physically hurt Jisoo including Jisoo herself but surprisingly he didn't, Jisoo thought that her Dad would really explode with anger but it looked like he was trying to control himself.

Jisoo told them everything that she did and said and it actually surprised them especially her bestfriend. Lisa knows that Jisoo doesn't dare to do that before but she's proud of her best friend because finally she learned how to defend herself and fought for what she thinks is right and finally not let her Dad control her life anymore.

Lisa went home after taking dinner with them. Jennie's parents are not at home yet so Jennie just texted them telling them that Jisoo will have a sleepover at their house and they agreed and told Jennie that she should introduce her girlfriend to them tomorrow.

Jennie told Jisoo about it and it made Jisoo nervous but the brunette told her that there's nothing to be worried about, her parents will love her, Jennie was so sure of that.

"Chu?" Jennie called while stroking Jisoo's hair.

They are now lying on Jennie's bed, Jisoo was resting her head on the brunette's chest while arms were wrapped around her.

Jisoo just hummed in response.

"You are still awake"

"I can't sleep, Jendeuk."

"What are you thinking?"

Jisoo sighed "My Dad"

Jennie kissed the top of Jisoo's head. "I didn't say it earlier but I'm so proud of you, love."


"Well, what you did earlier is not easy. I know you never did that before, right?"

Jisoo pulled away from her a little so she can look at Jennie. "I did that not only for myself but also for us. I won't let him ruin our relationship, Jendeuk."

Jennie leaned forward to give a quick kiss to Jisoo's lips and then she wrapped her arms again around Jisoo and pulled her closer to her so Jisoo nuzzled her nose to Jennie's neck.

"Thank you for fighting for us, Chu. Please don't leave me."

"I will never do that" Jisoo muttered against Jennie's neck

"Even if your Dad will threaten me or something, I will never leave you. I love you so much."

Jisoo inhaled Jennie's scent and snuggled more to her. "I love you more, Jendeuk."

Jennie smiled and hugged Jisoo tightly. "Ugh, I love you so much, I just wanna be like this forever."

Jisoo just giggled. It felt so warm being in her girlfriend's arms and it made her feel safe.

"What will you do next, Chu?"

"I'm planning to talk to my Dad tomorrow"

"I think that's the right thing to do now. Maybe you can change his mind and made him understand everything."

"I know. He's still my Dad so I'm still hoping that he would accept everything."

"What about Haein? I'm gonna kill him." Jennie said furiously

Jisoo chuckled and pecked Jennie's neck. "No, you won't."

"But Chu...I hate him."

Jisoo pulled away to look at Jennie. "I know I know but I already told him that I won't marry him and I told him to stay away from us...I just hope that he would listen."

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