Chapter 8

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When Jisoo entered their classroom, she saw her best friend talking to Rosé but she just ignored it and hurriedly went to her seat, then she leaned forward and rested her head on the table.

"Oh, Chu! Finally. You took so long. Where's Jennie?" Lisa asked as soon as Jisoo went to her seat

Jisoo didn't reply.

A few seconds later, Jennie finally showed up.

"Oh, there she is. Talk to you later, Rosé. Gonna talk to my best friend" Lisa grinned then winked at Rosé.

Lisa quickly went to sit beside Jisoo but she greeted Jennie first before talking to her best friend.

"Hey, Jennie. How was it?"

"It was...perfect" Jennie smirked then made her way to her seat after

Jisoo heard it and she just covered her face with her hands.

Lisa turned to look at Jisoo. "Perfect? Why? What happened, Chu?" She asked and shaking her best friend's shoulder

Jisoo groaned and she leaned back to her seat.

"Woah why is your face looks like a tomato?" Lisa chuckled

Jisoo covered her cheeks with her palms.
"It's nothing." She replied without looking at Lisa

Lisa looked at her suspiciously. "I don't believe that it's just nothing"

"Then don't."

Lisa pouted. "Come on. Tell me."

"Later. Later, okay? Stop talking to me. I'm thinking" Jisoo let out a heavy sigh

"Thinking about what?" Lisa asked

Jisoo just groaned and rested her head on the table again.

"Thinking about me..maybe"
Lisa heard Jennie so she turned to look behind

"What? What did you do to my best friend? Why is her face looks like a tomato?" Lisa glared at Jennie

"What did you do to my cousin? Why is she blushing?" Jennie asked back

"Yah Jen! I'm not blushing" Rosé said then covered her cheeks with her palms

Jennie just rolled her eyes and turned her gaze to Lisa.

Lisa chuckled "You're so cute" she said looking at Rosé

"Stop that" Rosé glared at Lisa

Lisa just giggled.

"Yah stop flirting with each other in front of me" Jennie rolled her eyes

"So what did you do to my best friend, Jennie?" Lisa asked again

"Just ask her"

"But she doesn't want to talk" Lisa pouted

"You know that I can hear you, right? I told you that I will tell you later" Jisoo said without looking at Lisa

"Okay okay. I'm not gonna ask again. I'm sorry. Just chill, Chu."

Jisoo just let out a sigh. While Jennie was just looking at her behind, smiling.

Rosé nudges her cousin. "Stop looking at her, you creep. And you look like an idiot smiling there, what really happened, Jen?"

"Later, Rosie"

"Hmmm. Okay"


Their classes are done for today. Four of them are walking towards the parking lot. Jennie and Rosé were behind Jisoo and Lisa.

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