Chapter 12

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"Would you still want to be part of my life, Jennie?" Jisoo asked again while still looking into Jennie's eyes

Jennie cupped her cheeks and smiled softly. She slowly leans forward until her lips touch Jisoo's.

Jisoo's eyes widened and she froze for a second.

Jennie pulled away and smiled again while caressing Jisoo's cheek with her thumb.

"Jennie" Jisoo breathed out

"That was my answer" 


Jennie leaned forward again to peck Jisoo's lips and it made Jisoo flinch.

Jennie giggled with Jisoo's reaction.

"Jennie" She whined

Jennie giggled "What?"

"Stop playing. I'm serious"

"What? I'm not playing. I'm serious too."

"But what was that?"

"A kiss"

"Why would you do that? You can't just kiss me out of nowhere"

"But that was my answer though"

Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"You asked me if I wanna still be part of your life, right? So that was my answer."

" can just yes instead of kissing me!"

Jennie pouted "you don't like it?"

Jisoo looked away. "S-stop that"

Jennie giggled then she cleared her throat. "Hey, Jisoo. Look at me" she was still cupping Jisoo's face

Jisoo turned her gaze to Jennie.

"Just to be clear. I still want to be part of your life, Jisoo."

"But Dad..."

"Jisoo, I'm not afraid of anything."

"But I'm afraid for you Jennie."


"I don't know what my Dad can do if he finds out about you"

"Then we will be careful. We will not let him know about me if that makes you feel better. We will keep this a secret"

"But Jennie..."

"Be honest with you like me too, Jisoo?"

There was a long pause.

"Y-yes..." Jisoo whispered

"What? I can't hear you"

Jisoo sighed. "I said yes. Yes, I like you too Jennie."

Jennie smiled softly then she kissed Jisoo's forehead.

Jisoo closed her eyes when she felt Jennie's lips on her forehead.

"I like you so much, Jisoo. Please let me show it to you. I'll do anything for you. I know it sounds crazy because we have only known each other for about two weeks? But here I am...." Jennie chuckled

"Will you not regret it for"

Jennie frowned. "Hey don't think like that. I would never."

"And I know we can't do anything about your Dad right now but I know soon, we can find something to solve the problem about your Dad. We just need to think positive, okay? And to those people here in school, I don't care about them. I don't care what will they gonna say about us. I only care about you. Always remember that. Okay?" Jennie smiled widely showing her gummy smile

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