Chapter 31

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"Jendeuk, please don't be stubborn. You are not yet fully healed."

"But Chu, my cousin..... Did they already find her?"

Jisoo let out a sigh and sat on the bed. Jennie wants to go out and keeps on telling her that she wants to find Rosé.

"Not yet... but they are doing their best, Jendeuk."

It's been three days since someone took Rosé.

Jennie just got out of the hospital earlier, they are now at home in Jennie's house. Jisoo didn't go back to their house, she stayed with Jennie, and surprisingly her Dad didn't call her.

They took a break from school, Jennie's parents talk to the school and inform them about the situation but asked them not to spread it and keep it confidential.

Police found out that someone removed the break from Jennie's car that caused her to lost control of the car and was led into an accident.

Jennie didn't tell Jisoo yet about seeing Haein at Starbucks and about what she found inside her car.

Before she drove off from Starbucks, she found a piece of paper on the back seat of her car but she didn't open it and after the accident the investigator found it and there are words were written on there, it says. "This is a warning. Leave Jisoo or you'll die."

"Chu?" Jennie carefully sat up and leaned on the headboard.

Jisoo moved closer to her sat beside the brunette. She grabbed her hand.
"What is it Jendeuk?" She asked without looking at her, she was staring at their hands that she placed on her lap.

"I need to tell you something."

Jisoo looked at Jennie raising her eyebrows.

With that, Jennie told her everything that happened before the accident.

"Why didn't tell me right away?"

Jisoo looks mad now.

Jennie moved a little bit so she can face Jisoo properly then she cupped her cheek.
"Hey... I'm sorry if I didn't tell you right away. I thought you will be mad and I was right."

"Of course, I will be mad but I'm not mad at you, okay? I'm mad about this situation. What if....what if Haein was behind all of this Dad. This is all my fault Jendeuk...." She avoided Jennie's gaze, feeling ashamed about the situation. She's blaming herself now, about the accident and Rosé.

"Hey baby look at me...look at me" Jennie held her chin and made her look at her

When their eyes met, Jennie saw that there are already tears forming in her eyes.

She leaned in to kiss her forehead. "It's not your fault, okay? Please don't blame yourself." She said softly after pulling away

Tears escaped from Jisoo's eyes. "But....this happened because you met me...if I was just... continue avoiding you before maybe you are not in a situation like this."

Jennie wiped her tears. "Do you regret everything that happened between us?" She asked while looking in her eyes intently

Jisoo quickly shook her head. "No no no...Jendeuk no. I love you. I love you so much. I will never regret that I met you." then she hugged the brunette tightly

"I'm sorry, Jendeuk. I'm s-sorry." She started sobbing

Jennie hugged her back and rubbed Jisoo's back soothingly. "Baby...I love you too. Please stop crying. I already told everything to the police last time. There is still not enough evidence that Haein was behind all of this but they are keeping an eye on him."

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