Chapter 10

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"Hello? Are you still there?" Jennie asked from the other line when Jisoo did not speak again.

"Hey! Hello. Hi. Jisoo? Love? Babe? Baby? Come on. Please talk."

Jisoo let out a sigh. "Why did you call, Jennie? And can you please stop calling me that?"

Jennie giggled.

"Why are you giggling there?"

"Nothing. I just like it whenever you are calling my name"

"So why did you call? I was about to sleep. We still have classes tomorrow."

"Are you gonna sleep already? Are you sleepy? It's not that late yet"

"I'm not. I'm not yet sleepy."

"Then don't sleep yet, please"


"Talk to me?"

"We don't have anything to talk about"

"Yes, we have."

"Jennie, I already told you"

"Hey don't worry, I won't ask anything about the reason why you are avoiding me. I will not annoy you for that....for now. We can talk something else."

"Just call someone else."

"But you are the one that I wanna talk to. I don't want anyone else, Jisoo."

Jisoo just stayed silent.


Jisoo noticed that Jennie's voice became more serious.


"I just wanna say it again....that I like you. I hope that you don't think that I'm lying. I really do like you, Jisoo. I don't know what's the reason why you keep ignoring me but...I won't give up. I'll prove to you that I really like you and that... I'm worth it."

She already heard that Jennie likes her but it still giving her butterflies. She actually thought before that she will grow old alone and no one will like her anymore but then Jennie came.

"Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"

"I just want to remind you and I will show you how much I like you."

"Why me? And other people just give up when they are treated the way I treat you."

"I'm not like them, Jisoo. I told you, whatever I want I'll do anything to get it and you are the one that I want."

"But you don't know me that well"

"Then let me know you better. Stop avoiding me. Do you hate me?"

"W-What? Of course not. You did nothing wrong"

"Then why?"

"I thought you won't ask anything about that?"

Jisoo heard Jennie sigh from the other line.

"Oh I'm sorry," Jennie said almost a whisper

Jisoo stayed silent. She doesn't know what to say.

"Jisoo? Are you still there?"

"Hmm? Yeah I'm still here" Jisoo replied

"Can you at least give me a chance please?"

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