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Outer Banks, paradise on earth, they say. Yeah, just big bullshit if you ask me. I was born here, but
left soon after, with my mum. My brother, John B, stayed here with my father. We are twins, why,
did they separate us? No clue, but my freaking whole life, I was missing a part, guess it was him..

We were talking occasionally, but it's not it, you know. About three months ago, I got in a huge fight
with my mother, she caught me smoking weed and basically told me to get to fuck out of her house.

And that's how I ended up in here. When I first got here and found John B, I was happy for a
moment. Then I found out, the man I was looking forward to meeting, my dad, is missing. He got lost
in the sea, so people think he's already dead. My brother thinks he's still out there, and I don't know
what to think tho. I live with John B in Chateau and I hang out with his friends. I have to say, they are
pretty cool, Kie and I became good friends in a short time.

If you ask me, Outer Banks is a nice place, yeah, but most of the people in here are thrash. I'm talking
about the elite, about Kooks as my friends call them. They treat us like we are worthless pieces of
shit. Yeah, guess what? I don't care that you live out of your daddy's money. I became part of the
pogues the day I stepped in here, and I like it.

Currently, there is a summer break, so no school just chill, but I had to find a job so we can somehow
pay bills and have some money since we live together at the Chateau right now. I work at the Wreck.
Kiara got me that job, and I'm grateful, it's good money since it's a kook restaurant.

I was on the job today, doing some cleaning, there weren't many customers today when Kie's dad called at me.

„Hey y/n, we have to pack everything and secure stuff, there is a giant hurricane coming our way. I get you home as soon as we have it done okay?"

„Yeah, of course, thank you so much, Mr. Carrera."

We started to bring everything inside and secure
the doors. It was already raining and the wind was strong as hell when we closed and got in the car.
Luckily, it wasn't that far to Chateau, but the weather was getting worst and worst really fast.

„Thank you for driving me home. Drive safe." I told Mr. Carrera when I got out of the car and run towards the house. When I got home, John B was sitting on the couch, drinking some soda.

„Bro, the weather is fucking crazy outside."

„Yeah I know, you should've seen the waves, they were giant. I tried to catch some of them, but without a chance. Pope was too scared to get in the water." You would have to see the excitement in his eyes.

„You for real you went surfing in this weather? You're so stupid John B." I told him walking past to change into something dry. I noticed that John B secured the windows and the doors so I didn't have to care about anything, I went straight to bed. I was so tired from the day at work and then with preparing for Agatha, so I was really excited to get a dose of good sleep. But no, thanks to Agatha like half of the night I wasn't able to fall asleep, and when I finally fall asleep around 2 in the morning, the roof started leaking. It was around 4 am, when I finally fall asleep..

„Y/n, hey, Jesus, y/n wake up come on." John B came into my room and jumped on me. 

„Let me sleep John B, I was awake the whole fucking night. Oh and yeah, the roof is leaking if you like to know." I hate when I have to get up early.

„Yeah, same here, it woke me up this morning. Come on, the hurricane is gone, service and power are out, and there is a mess outside we need to clean up."

„You can't do it yourself?" I cried and closed my eyes again. „Nope" was his answer.

I got up, not like I am going to fall asleep again, put on some shorts and a bikini top, it was hot as hell again. I went to the kitchen to grab some water and took a protein bar for breakfast. I chugged on my water when I noticed JJ dead asleep on the couch. „Hey JJ, wake up. When did you get here?" I sat next to him. Nothing.

„He was here when you came last night." John B anwered instead of JJ.

Kook or Pogue? // JJ and Rafe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now