Episode 14.2 - Fish Out of Water

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It started raining as William and Meg began repairing the damage that Sid did, William patching up holes in the walls while Meg filled in the craters. As he settled into the calm of just placing blocks, he began to feel like he could forgive Sid. He made mistakes sometimes, yes, but he knew he could always count on him when he was by their side.

Though Meg didn't feel the same way. Sid had been consistently pushing her wrong buttons ever since they'd met, and the destruction his rockets had wrought was the last straw. Sid needed to learn not to be so reckless. He was more a liability than a team member she could work with.

William asked Jeff the Guide what the Beetle Husks that Golem had dropped could be used for, and it turned out they could be used to upgrade his Turtle Armour to Beetle Armour and also to craft a better set of wings. When upgrading his armour, it turned out there were two different chestplates he could craft, one attack-oriented, and one defence-oriented. It was kind of like how Meg's Spectre Armour had two helmets for different purposes. William ended up crafting the defence chestplate for now.

He also found out what the Broken Hero Sword could be crafted into. It could be combined with his True Night's Edge and another sword that he had once crafted but never really used, the True Excalibur. Put together, the swords created the Terra Blade, a lustrous green sword that fired waves of green energy swords when swung.

The other item a Broken Hero Sword could be crafted into was the Terra Toilet, hence the Guide's astonishment at Sid actually crafting one before.

William and Meg then checked the other villages for signs of damage, though most were intact. It turned out the Clothier, the Pirate, and Bart the Angler had been the only citizens to not come to the Forest Village to be protected, instead staying at the Ocean Village, where they were able to surprisingly hold their own against the supernatural enemies.

"Bart here is becoming quite the swashbuckler, arr!" Red Beard said, rubbing a fist on Bart's hat like a noogie.

"Yeah, I chopped off Dr. Man Fly's head!" Bart said proudly. "And a Swamp Thing's... twice!"

"What about the fish you kept throwing at them?" James asked, "The ones with the long, sharp noses?"

"The Frost Daggerfish? I caught them in the snow land. See?"

He held out an icy-coloured fish and threw it forward, aiming for a ship's wheel set up on the beach sand. However, it suddenly stopped mid-air about halfway to the target.

A blue-armoured form appeared out of thin air, Frost Daggerfish sticking out of its shoulder.

It was Robyn.

"Oops," she said.

William snapped out of his initial shock and lunged forward, but she jumped upwards, a hoverboard the same colour as her armour carrying her into the rainy air. He stumbled into the sand, then scrambled to his feet and desperately looked around.

"Where is she?"

"She landed over there, but then disappeared," Meg said, pointing at the roof of the Stylist's hairdresser.

She suddenly reappeared, bow out, arrows flying. William swung his Terra Blade, but she dodged the energy swords and landed several arrows in William's Beetle Armour.

He saw his body glow purple and felt his life ebbing away – the arrows had been tipped with some sort of venom! He collapsed to his knees, feeling bile rising in his throat, but he tried his best to keep it down and brought his vision up to Robyn, blinking through the rain dripping onto his face.

She had turned invisible once again.

"Hide!" William hissed at the citizens.

At that same moment an arrow shot straight through the Clothier's head.

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