Episode 6.2 - Where's the Honey, Lebowski?

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William led Robyn to the Jungle village, which was a collection of huts made from Rich Mahogany wood with leafy roofs. Sid was waiting there.

"You two ready?" he asked.

William looked to Robyn. She had upgraded to Necro armour, crafted with bones they had obtained from the skeletons in the Dungeon, but still wore her Silver Armour in her vanity slots. A part of him wondered why she'd made that choice. Did she just prefer the look of Silver Armour?

"Sure," Robyn said.

Sid nodded.

"I wish you luck on your journey and on locating this person," Nissa the Dryad said, sitting cross-legged in front of a tree.

The three of them set off through the dense foilage, following Sid. William hacked aside the overgrown grass and plants with his Muramasa, while Sid snapped out his new whip – a Spinal Tap – at the Jungle Bats that tried to swoop at them.

"Here's the shack," Sid said sometime later.

William took it in. It sat on top of a large hill, and appeared to be made from pinkish Rich Mahogany wood, the wood type native to the Jungle. There wasn't much in the interior, and the floor hadn't been paved over with wood or brick or anything, just being grassy and growing with leafy bushes and flowers.

Outside, laid up against one of the hut walls, were some flower pots that seemed to be having some herbs growing inside, namely Daybloom, Moonglow, and a little bit of Blinkroot.

"Whoever lived here must've liked growing plants," Sid said upon inspecting the pots. He pointed away from the house. "The cave that I think they explored is that way, on the other side of the hill."

The cave he led them to was overgrown with grassy mud, vines hanging from the ceiling, and was dotted with flowers and other plants. William swung his sword through the vines to clear their path, unveiling bugs and grubs of different colours that would slowly scamper away to avoid them. The path sloped steeply downwards, and he could see it was already lit with torches, though not nearly as densely as he and Sid normally lit caves – there were huge spaces of darkness in-between each one. Whoever had done the lighting appeared to have been trying to conserve torches.

Or maybe they hadn't been as afraid of the dark.

"A bit further down here the cave stops," Sid said. "And that's when I found a tunnel our missing person dug out."

It turned out to be a deep shaft going straight down at the bottom of the cave. Rope had been placed going down it to provide accessibility, which Sid slung himself down first.

The shaft opened out into an enormous cave. However, unlike the normal underground William was used to, which was made of stone with patches of dirt, this cave remained as grassy as the surface. The walls were made of dark brown mud, dense thickets of vines hung from the ceiling, and the ground was covered with plants of several colours – mostly green, but also blues and pinks of some flowers.

He could see some enemies – Hornets, creatures with long, curved bodies and whirring wings, and another named a Man Eater, which appeared to be a long, stretching vine with a chomping mouth on the end.

The Hornets spotted them instantly and began flying towards them. As they did so William spotted some spiky projectiles being launched forth from their stingers.

He dropped from the rope and brought his Muramasa into one of the Hornets' bodies. He sandstorm-jumped in order to keep hitting it, and by the time he was flying under his Spectre Boots' power the Hornet split apart, dropping a stinger item that flew into his inventory.

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