Episode 14.1 - Kill the Sun

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When William and the others returned to the surface, they found the sky was pitch black.

Which was strange – William could see the sun rising to the east. However, there appeared to be a large, round shape blocking it.

"Is that... a solar eclipse?" Meg said.

"I sense the moon has been moved," Zop'a said.

William looked to him. Unlike in real life, the sun and moon were always on opposite sides of each other, the sun only being visible at day, and the moon at night. The fact that they were now both appearing at the same time was unsettling. He wondered if it was the Cultists' doing somehow.

Or... Cthulhu?

His thoughts were interrupted by a series of growls and roars, unlike anything he'd heard.

That was when a shadowy form leapt from one of the houses' roofs and grabbed onto Meg. It looked like a demented human girl with a mess of black hair and a ragged white dress. Meg cried out and shot her Inferno Fork at point-blank range. It incinerated the creature while leaving Meg unharmed – the Inferno Fork's explosions didn't harm its user – but she came out of the attack shaken.

"We're being attacked by supernatural creatures!" Nissa the Dryad shouted, stepping out of her house and casting her green aura around her.

"We noticed," Sid said just as two spikey metal spheres flew out of the darkness and slashed at his Hallowed Armour. He sent his Twins summons to chase after them, but was then jumped by a humanoid thing that looked to be made completely out of green slime.

William ran forward but a man wearing a white mask and holding a bloodied knife suddenly appeared in front of him. A Psycho. It landed one blow on him, dealing massive damage, but he lashed out in return with his Starlight, quickly obliterating it.

He heard the sound of a Pylon being used, and saw Jeff the Guide had appeared.

"Every village is being attacked!" he shouted. "The citizens are all congregating to the Forest Village since it is the most fortified, and so you can all defend them from there."

"Okay, good to know," William said. "Let's go!"

They all ran towards the Jungle Pylon and quickly teleported over to the Forest Village. William's first move was to fly up onto one of the walls to look out at the surrounding area. However, a red-and-white bat flew out of the darkness and morphed into a darkly-dressed human with pale white skin – a Vampire. More Starlight swipes were quick to dispatch it, but more Vampires began flying down from the sky, accompanied by some of those spiked Deadly Spheres.

Sid jumped up next to him. "What I wouldn't do for a stake right now," he said. "Or a weapon that shoots them."

He snapped out his whip at the Spheres. One of them dropped a dark metal staff upon being destroyed, which Sid picked up.

"Deadly Sphere Staff! Even better!" He replaced his Twins summons with a collection of Deadly Spheres. The ones he summoned looked different to the enemy Deadly Spheres, being covered with red and blue lights, but flew with deadly precision, tearing through the ranks of their counterparts and then into the Vampires.

William glanced back out at the forest outside, which was so dark he could barely make out the closest tree, just as a Swamp Thing oozed up onto the top of the wall.

"They're climbing the wall!" he shouted. He stabbed at the Swamp Thing with his Starlight, knocking it off, but more enemies got up. Frankenstein, Creatures from the Deep, a pig-masked Butcher with a chainsaw.

He and Sid kept on fighting them off. It looked like they were keeping them at bay, until William glanced into the village and saw more enemies were climbing over other sections of the wall and swarming into the village.

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