Episode 7.3 - It's Getting Hot in Here

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"Robyn!" William cried.

Nothing seemed to be stopping her from making her mad dash away, almost bowling over a couple of citizens in her path.

He made after her, but watched as she approached the Jungle Pylon outside and vanished in sparks.

He wanted to follow, but thought better of it.

Maybe she doesn't like me.

He sighed.

How could I be so stupid?

He turned back to the party.

This isn't the real world.

He looked around at the citizens dancing together, some in pairs. Emily and Tony, Mrunok and Kayla.

Nothing here is real.

"Hey, has anyone seen Andrew anywhere?" Sid asked as he stepped casually over to William, completely oblivious to what had just transpired.

"I saw him earlier," William murmured, pivoting around on his feet, but for the life of him he could not spot Andrew's light brown hair. He did spot Hayley standing alone in one corner, looking dejected from the Guide rejecting her dance request earlier.

Where has he gone? he wondered, beginning to get a bit worried. But Robyn came back into his mind, and somehow a missing citizen didn't seem to matter as much.

"He'll turn up."


The next morning he hadn't turned up.

"Was it something I said?" Hayley cried, wiping her eyes with one hand and holding a bunny in the other.

"We don't know for sure," Sid said. "We've searched all five villages. No sign of him."

"Do you know any places he normally frequents?" Meg asked.

"He rarely ever leaves the Forest Village. He's good at providing us with information, but he literally has no other personality or interests."

William could hear Hayley sniffing across the room.

"Could anyone else in the village help us find him?" Meg asked, putting a finger to her chin in thought.

"Probably the best thing we can do is put together a search party and head off," Sid said. "Search everywhere."

"I'll help," Hayley said, putting down the rabbit. "I'm so worried for him. I'll never rest until he's back here, safe and sound!"

"Well, we've got one volunteer," Sid grinned, then looked to Meg. "Can you ask around and see if anyone else wants to help?"

"I will."

After Meg left, Sid turned to William. "You alright, man? You've barely talked much all day."

William didn't really feel like being drilled at the moment, so he just shrugged.

Meg returned a bit later with Harry the Golfer and Zop'a the Witch Doctor.

"If my sister's going to be going into dangerous territory with you lot, I'll be here to look out for her," Harry said.

"Fair enough," Sid said.

"Andrew the Guide is a kindred spirit of nature," Zop'a said. "It unnerves me that he should be missing. I should be able to find him."

"How?" Sid asked.

"Magic, my friend."

"Well, that's good enough for me. Where do you think he is?"

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