Episode 6.3 - Not the Bees!

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William breathed, then looked down at her again. Her label read: 'Robyn: 67/320'.

He almost laughed. He'd gotten so caught up in worrying about whether or not she'd died that he'd completely forgotten that in this world there was an easy way to check.

She was still unconscious. Not moving. But he knew she'd be alright.

At that moment she gasped, her body straightening out.


Her head turned to face him. She reached up to her helmet, and it disappeared, revealing her face.

William stared at her as he took off his own helmet.

"William," she said, and suddenly leant forward, putting her arms around him.

He was suddenly struck with fluttering feelings inside of him.

He was so happy and relieved that she was okay.

Did he like her after all?

Robyn only hugged him for maybe a second or two, but to her it felt much longer.

Most of that time was occupied by her thoughts clashing in her head:

Oh my gawd, you're hugging him? What's he going to think of you?

Shut up! Robyn honey, you know you like him. The next step was always going to be letting him know you like him. This is a great start!

Are you sure he'd even like you back at all? He's always spending his time building and mining!

He built a house for you, Robyn! He went out of his way to do it for you! And he really put effort into it! Blue paint and everything!

You've got to do something for him, Robyn.

She awkwardly got to her feet.

"Um... so is the Queen Bee dead?" she asked.

William nodded. "Yeah. And we found the missing person."

They double-jumped back up to the platform, where Robyn saw Sid with who she presumed was the other person. She was pretty – long blonde hair, grey eyes, and her armour made her seem like a fierce amazon warrior, so much more beautiful and better than her. Robyn self-consciously rubbed a hand along her own hair.

"This is Meg," Sid said, then gestured at William and Robyn. "Meg, that's William, and that's Robyn."

"Hi, guys!" Meg said brightly, stepping forward and smiling. "Thank you all for saving me from the Queen Bee!"

"How did you end up in that... larva thing?" William asked.

"She poisoned me so hard that I practically fainted," Meg explained. "I woke up trapped in the larva, unable to move. All I could do was think about trying to bust out of there, blast that bee to pieces, then burn this stupid hive and the entire jungle to the ground!" Her voice turned loud and boisterous with that last part. Then she smiled, her eyes seeming to flash with energy. "Only joking, I'm not that anti-environment. I really did worry I was doomed to that prison for eternity... until you, William, got me out of there."

"Well, you're very welcome," William said. "That all sounded... painful. But you're safe now. We found your house on the surface and followed the torches that led down here, then into this bee hive."

Meg just kept grinning at him. "Well, thank you all again for getting me out of there. Do you guys live somewhere with more people like you?"

"We're kind of the only humans on the planet," Sid said. "There are other people, but they're... like, NPCs."

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