ʟɪɪ ᴀɴɴᴀʙᴇᴛʜ | ꜱᴜʙꜱ ʀᴜɪɴ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ

163 20 83

"Okay, everybody!" says Piper. "I just checked on Hazel, and she should be ready to go soon! Remember: nobody tells her about the subs."

Yeah, Annabeth is at a wedding, which isn't exactly her first choice of activities, and she knows for a fact that something awful is going to happen, and she's probably going to have to fight something today, which also isn't something she enjoys doing regularly, but at least there are more subs.

It's a light at the end of the tunnel, or rather, the aisle. Annabeth struggles to keep her mouth from watering at the mere thought of another Italian sub with salami and tomatoes and just the right amount of mayonnaise and-

"Annabeth!" Piper snaps. "I said lose the jacket. Save it for your own wedding."

"Jesus Christ." Annabeth drapes her leather jacket over a chair. The air conditioning on full blast gives her goosebumps.

Piper reminds everyone how they're supposed to enter the venue. Apparently, there's a correct walking pace that's supposed to keep this thing aesthetically pleasing.

You know what's aesthetically pleasing? Annabeth's super sexy leather jacket with wings etched on the back. She's pretty sure it belonged to some biker or a gang member or something, but that just makes it even cooler.

"So, instead of Annabeth and Nico going first, Leo and Rachel are going to go. You know. 'Cause somebody missed rehearsal," Piper dictates.

Nico crosses his arms. "I wanted to go with Rachel."

"You could have said that yesterday, Nico. You're going with Annabeth," says Piper.

"Yeah, ouch, Nico. What the hell?" Annabeth asks.

Nico tightens his ponytail. "If I go with Rachel, I can still go first. Isn't that what Hazel wants?"

Piper groans. "Fine, go with Rachel, but now the aesthetics are all thrown off!"

"It's like, two minutes!" Nico shouts.

Percy fills a Dixie cup with some water from the blue dispenser in the corner. "When Thalia said to make the most out of our futures, I don't think this is what she meant."

Annabeth covers her mouth. No way is she going to give Percy the satisfaction of seeing her smirk.

Piper purses her lips. "Okay, I think I've got it. Nico, you go first with Rachel, then I'll go with Leo, and Annabeth can go with Percy."

Percy spits out his water. "What?"

"What's wrong, Percy? Don't wanna walk down the aisle with me?" Annabeth asks innocently.

Percy scoffs. "If I remember correctly, you're the one who didn't want to walk down the aisle with me."

Rachel slaps her thigh. "Roasted!"

"Shut up, Dare," says Annabeth.

"I will if this means I don't have to be on Leo's team for Minute to Win It games!" Rachel shouts.

"Oh, I could kick your ass at Minute to Win It games, even with Percy dragging me down!"

"Roasted!" Leo echoes Rachel. 

"Great!" says Piper. "Congrats, Annabeth! You just smart-assed your way into being the new maid of honor!"

"Wait, what?" Annabeth asks. "No, Piper, Hazel chose you for that."

"Actually, she wanted Reyna," Piper retorts. "So if you really think about it, you're like the third-string maid of honor."

"Oh, another roast!" Rachel shouts.

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