14: Merciful

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WARNING: Read at your own risk!


"Yo! I'm now a princess!"

When I first transmigrated, I kept laughing like a maniac. For days, I stared at the royal jinbù (*jade pendant) that signifies the Li Empire's princess status.

'This is equivalent to having a black card, right? A black card!'

"Yo! I'm a princess! A princess!"

Remembering the 'creep' back home, I shouted again: "You scared the hell out of me for years! You lunatic!"

"Thank you God, Buddha. Thank you for pitying me. I promise to donate money everyday to the temple. Just please, please don't let me see the creepy smiling face of Young Master again."

"Ever! Oh man, I beg you."

Abao only watched silently at the side as though this doesn't bother her anymore and most likely this kind of scene happens all the time inside the seventh princess manor.

I know I looked like crazy screaming my heart out but yo, who cares? I am now of what they called a crazy rich asian.

Crazy *effin rich! *BWAHAHA*

However.. The Young Master seemed to jinxed me again. I can hear his eerie voice, whispering: "Give up. Because you're bound to hell."

'That piece of—!' I really want to swear at his face.

People who transmigrated might feel homesick. They might even go crazy. But for me, I never wish to go back. I don't want to go back. To being poor. To being an orphan. To the life that piled of debt. To being a slave of society!

Or so I thought..

A carefree life appears to be impossible for me since I failed in my first transmigration. It's hard to accept that a villainess is forbidden to have a happy ending.

I don't belong to this world is the reason why I'm not allowed to stay here with my darling Kai.

Why? My poor and unfortunate soul.

As I stayed in this era for almost two lifetimes, I witnessed a lot of things. This princess has already seen the world.

The grand palace is not what it looks like.

The glamorous pavilions, the big courtyards and the tight security of the palace. The fake smiles, the excessive gifts and the insincere flattery; so *effin sick and tired

There's no such thing as harmonious harem of the Emperor. The people you thought your ally were the people who wants you dead.

For years, I've seen different kind of schemes in the palace. The mysterious disease that the eight prince caught. Or the sudden death of the sixth prince. The banishment of the second prince from the capital. Or the stripping of the eleventh's prince imperial title.

At first, I'm thankful that I'm a girl. That means I'm not one of the contenders to the throne. The only duty of the princesses is to enter a political marriage. They were all sent abroad to marry those foreign kings.

I coughed. Huh. My throat!

The air was humid. After the heat of summer, the mild and comfortable autumn came. Inside the carriage, I watched the gradually color-changing landscapes. The red maple leaves captivated me.

Looking up, the vast azure sky also blinded me. Its blue hue appears purer reminding me of the male lead and silently appreciating the autumn scenery like this somehow lifted my spirit.

'I miss Kai. My sweet darling Kai.'

Four months have passed since I came back from the *Royal Summer Visit.

"Princess, we're here. Are you.. really alright?"

Still coughing, I replied: "Don't worry. I'm fine."

By the time we reached the General's Manor, the place was already bathed in blood.

'Li Rui..' I hope he didn't kill everyone.

There are a lot of things that different in my last transmigration; I didn't follow the novel because I don't want to be the villainess. So behind closed door, I was sometimes punished by *Fu Húang. (*imperial father)

'Don't go crazy, Zhang Yu.'

The cold-blooded Emperor Li Hai never wanted an angel daughter. He wants me to lived like him and whenever I refused, the punishment was never light.

I always told myself not to go crazy. 'Don't go crazy, Zhang Yu.' I must endure the punishments.'Don't go crazy, Zhang Yu. You're strong.'

In my last life, I almost blurt out that I'm not the princess just to stop Fu Húang from 'disciplining' me. Even Empress Dowager Mu can't stopped his heartless son from treating me harshly.

If it was not for Du Kai, I might really lose my humanity and my sanity.

Fortunately, it's in the script for Fu Húang to make a good decision once in his life– an arrange marriage with my darling Kai. Oh my sweet kitten.

Once I married the male lead, Fu Húang wouldn't have any power to hurt me again. After completing my marry-and-divorce plan. Far far away, I will live the life I want.

But why can't those assassins wait? Why kill me?! C'mon man. This is unfair! I want a refund! My years of hardwork! *still sulking*

I really wish to enjoy my divorced, rich and happy princess's life. 'This heartless novel world, have no conscience at all!'

"Why not just kill them?" The brat prince brother Li Rui straightened his back before unsheathing his sword.

I frowned.

I know. Destroying the General's  Manor is one of the most important plot of the novel. So I can't really interfere. But as much as possible, I want to decrease the death rate of today's plot.

Li Cha's presence is the only chance of these people, of the others to survive from the Crown Prince's bloodlust.

No one will suspect if I let people lived because the character Li Cha— is the puppet master, the torturer, the devil's incarnate. She hates it when her toys or prisoners dies in her care. People say, it strangely annoyed her.

Now, that.. vicious person is me.

"Just kill all of them." Li Rui suggested.

The person who's limping, trying to run away cried out again when I released the second arrow; it tore into his other leg. He dropped to the ground, screaming in pain.

I stretched my lips. "I considered death as mercy, dear brother."

"And I am not.. a merciful princess."

Villainess Series 2:  Rejecting The Male Lead Where stories live. Discover now