23: Memories

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I turned my head to the side, refusing to face my death; just to meet the dark eyes of the symbolic masked-guy.

The second male lead.

Hao Ran.. you..

Aside from him and Kai, no one else knew that the Crown Princess will take this road on her way back to the empire.

I see. Hao Ran betrayed me.

"Li Cha!"

Insolent! How dare this child call this princess her personal name! Ungrateful punk!

The second male lead was rushing to me. He looked hella mad. But then again, he's always mad. Hao Ran made his hate towards me known from the very beginning.

Yo, the commitment of this man! Respect! Looks like Hao Ran came to witness my death with his exceptionally dark eyes.

"Li Cha!!!!"

It seems the assassin in front of me was impatient. He grabbed me by the hair, then directly sank the dagger into my throat.

Kai.. I'm afraid.. of this moonless night.

My brown-boring eyes met the vast night sky while the assassin was still stabbing me.. once, twice.. four times.

My long eyelashes trembled slightly. Coughing and groaning in pain with each stab; the blood beautifully splattered across my cheeks and mouth. Followed by the gurgling sound of death.

In the clamorous night, there was no moon, only little stars. They were twinkling as if their light was about to be extinguished; and there was this horrible scent of burning flesh that being taken by the chilling wind which drifted all over the place.

The shallow river mixing with the blood of the crown princess and her royal entourage, and the sounds of fighting grew faint later into the night.

All I thought was.. what a brutal death.


I jolted. I raised my chin and met again the same night sky. It was the same, the same without the moon to light the cold night sky.

I glanced at my hands, looking at them weirdly. I frowned and started heaving; as if I'm back to that nightmare of my first transmigration.

Unconsciously, my right hand touched my throat, desperately stopping the blood from gushing; the other, gripping my skirt so hard.

I gasped again and began coughing. Where am I? Why am I standing alone here?

No! Kai.. he's still waiting.. I have to..

"Kai..!!!" I ran while still clutching my throat.

Maybe because of my white nightgown, I kept tripping and falling. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my arms were seized.

These people..

"Let go! Let me go! Assassins!"

"Your Highness, please calm down."

"Assassins! Assassins!" I kept screaming. My body quivered. "Let go of me!" I didn't stop. I pushed them away from me. I can't find my bow. So I could only scratched them. Bite them! Why? Why they won't let me go?! These bastards!

I'm feeling weak. There have no strengths to my fist and kicks, my resistance was futile. I felt so *dang useless. I couldn't moved my limbs much like how I used to.


"I have to tell him.."

"Your Highness!"

"Tell him.. not to wait for me. Without this Crown Princess's permission, he's not allowed to step in my courtyard ever again!"

"Oh god. Our poor princess." Someone hugged me."Our princess.. Your Highness the Crown Princess, please wake up. They're just nightmares. They're not real. Not real at all."


I stiffened.

"Since you were six years old, this recurring nightmares won't leave the princess alone."

She was sobbing so sadly.

"We already visited every temples in the empire. But nothing is happening. The princess is young. Why would you have such horrible dreams?"

What.. Horrible.. dreams?

I was muddled.

Two hours later, I was back in my ancient princess bed. My courtyard was finally at peace. Abao tucked this octopus in, like a kindergarten kid. Her eyes were still red. Then, she brought Garfield to my arms and I happily started stroking his fur. The orange cat meow softly as if to comfort his owner.

Whilst Tian Ming was making sure that the guards that were.. well, I accidentally hurt.. will received immediate treatment and be paid for sacrificing their flesh.. I mean, Mama Mia!

Zhang Yu! I know you're not a vegan and you like fresh meats because.. of course, you know.. but please... no biting!

What's would my *late mother say? I'm sure, she'd scold me with a bamboo stick in her hand; (which by the way I always hid but dang, she always find them!) that's not how a good lady act in front of her food!

I'm sorry, Mama.

Pst. Papa, can you back me up here?

"Don't worry, Your Highness. The courtyard is sealed. No outsiders. I already forbidden Maid Jiao not to enter the courtyard at night."

"Same goes with the *Táizi." (crown prince)

I rubbed my chest in relief.

Tonight was not the first time. These episodes really embarrassed my royal self. But c'mon, why would this grandma's body need a moon? For the love of- I'm not even a werewolf!

This villainess is afraid.. if I saw the moon next time, I might literally howl in joy!

Should I start practicing?

*Ào! Ào!

*Ào! Ào! (*嚎 howling sound of the wolf)

Imperial physician Gu bid his farewell after taking care of my specialized concocted medicinal drink that looks like dirty water for me! Bro, sometimes I miss modern medicines. Ayya, forget it. I can't be tempted lah!


Why do I feel like, Imperial Physician Gu was having lesser and lesser hair each time I see him? Is he getting bald? Because of me, from lack of sleep?

"Abao, tell Tian Ming to thank the quack properly for me." I wiggled my eyebrows at her. Yap. That's right! What I meant was.. money!

"Oh and also, present him some aloe vera. They said its good for hair growth." That quack must've known that right? He just looked like that but he's a doctor.

"Of course, your highness."

The nightmares, they were there to constantly remind me of my despair and regret. My guilt and fear. The nightmares never let me forget of my sins.

What I really wanted to forget.. was the real world. So I thought over the years, some memories of my first transmigration would also start fading.

Guess not.

With all that sleep walking and having these dream-reality confusion?!

If Young Master's online right now, he'll send me twenty laughing emoticon again on wechat like a creep he is, with a message: "Who's crazy now huh?"

*Efff his ancestors!

Villainess Series 2:  Rejecting The Male Lead Where stories live. Discover now