Episode 3.3 - Secret of the Sands

Start from the beginning

"That looks quite shocking," Sid said.

"Ha ha," William muttered sarcastically.

"People better watch out, you might just charge into them."

"Okay, that's enough jokes, Sid."

It was at that moment that Robyn spotted something charging out from the darkness, and she shrieked.

It wasn't a spider, but it was still a creepy-crawly, completely unlike any she'd ever seen. It ran on four spindly legs, had two massive clawed jaws at its front, and two red eyes.

Robyn tried shooting it with her bow, but while it did some damage it did little to slow its charge. It eventually slammed into her, its claws raking across her silver chainmail, dealing 46 damage to her.

William ran and attacked with his new Storm Spear. He kept stabbing it forward, the weapon's attack combined with its electric shocks being able to keep the creature at bay, and eventually destroy it. It dropped some of its claws upon death, which rushed into William's inventory.

"What was that thing?" Sid said.

"It was called an Antlion Charger," William muttered.

Robyn breathed. "Thanks for saving me, William."

He smiled. "You can always count on me, Robyn."

Something about the way he said that made some sort of tingly feeling rise inside her.

"Let's move on," Sid said.

They kept on moving through the spindly tunnels. A few more Antlion Chargers attacked them, but they mostly came at them alone, and the combined weapons of the three of them were able to take them down before they could do any real damage. Sid dispatched any more eggs they found as well. They also came across a strange type of cactus that was round, shaped like a boulder, and when Sid tried picking it up with his pickaxe, it came loose from the ground, rolling right over him and dealing a whopping 169 damage. It was lucky he had the most health out of all of them.

"Okay, never touch those things," he groaned. "Got it."

Right at that moment two Antlion Chargers came rushing out of the darkness.

"Cactuses!" he cried. "I'm still low!"

"We'll cover you!" William said. "If they get too close, use a recall!"

He rushed forward with his Storm Spear while Robyn shot arrows into the Antlions. One of them was larger than the other, with 220 max health, but they soon managed to take it down.

William spun around and he suddenly pointed. "Sid! Behind you!"

"Aw, nuts!" Sid snapped out with his leather whip at two more Antlions that had come up from behind him. These ones had bodies shaped more like a dragonfly's and whirring wings reminiscent of one. His Flinxes leapt up and bit at them, and the two flying Antlions soon fell.

Sid then deftly spun around, shooting Flares in all directions that weren't lit. One of the flares uncovered a tunnel with three more Antlion Chargers and a flying Antlion rushing towards them.

To make matters worse, Robyn began hearing the sounds of scraping in the walls, sounding oddly like a train chugging, and a sand-coloured worm emerged upwards right in front of her like a cobra popping out from a basket. She screamed as it arced forward, its clawed mouth scraping her copper helmet, before digging back into the ground behind her.

"We've got to take cover!" William cried.

The three of them ran in the other direction, eventually reaching a dead end. William quickly built up a wall of wooden planks, blocking the Antlions from getting to them. That didn't stop the sandworm, though when it dug its way out of the wall William slashed his Storm Spear through its side, quickly cutting it to pieces.

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