chapter forty-eight

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Amira's POV

"Lexi stop, why are you hovering right now?" I asked her as she's literally walking behind me like a freaking guard dog. "nothing..." she says and I groan rolling my eyes at her before grabbing a snicker and a piece of celery to snack on.

We started the walk back out in the back yard, Naomi was busy on the phone with her little boyfriend and everyone else was busy playing football. The way I see it it's like Sage is kicking their ass, and will they ever give up?no. All three of them is out there acting like children sweating and all, I just couldn't.

I slowly took my seat on the couch with Lexi's help before she sat next to me. "I can't wait until he gets out" I say tiredly resting a hand on my huge belly, "he will soon, then those idiots will have something better to do when we're busy" she says chuckling as if she has something planned.

I once again rolled my eyes before setting my focus back on the boys. On one hand I wanted to relax and probably go to a spa just to get a nice massage and clear my head and on the other I was just ready to get this child out of me, I am so over being pregnant and this shit is honestly getting on my nerves. I mean I love the little guy but damn I want to go back to eating normal food and wearing normal clothes, shit I even wanna go to work.

"Yeah!!, see who's a loser now" Enrique yells and Sage just stared at him like he's his worst enemy, He's taking this game way too seriously but I won't complain I'm proud of him. He found interest in something and the guys are practically kids at heart so isn't that just perfect for everyone. He gets to do something he loves, they get to join and I get to watch and laugh whenever Sage would give them the death stare but only if eyes could kill.

A sweaty Mason came running over to me as I relaxed on the couch watching him. I didn't even realize Lexi was gone until now, "hey gorgeous " he say smiling before sitting beside me and I turn to look at him "hi" I simply say looking into his eyes "how are you feeling?" he ask moving a stray piece of hair away from my face "I'm fine" I tell him watching his every move as he moved closer inch by inch stopping when our lips made contact.

I allowed my eyes to fall shut as he kisses me, slowly and gently sucking on my lips while his hand firmly held my head in place. His tongue swipe across my lips and I open my mouth granting him entrance. His tongue immediately attacked mine and for a moment I swear I stopped breathing. He pulled away and smile pecking my lips once more and gentle bit my bottom lip.

"Ow!!" I say and he immediately became alert as if I just tell over my own feet "oh, baby I'm sorry did I hurt you" he quickly ask and I shook my head taking deep breaths. After a minute I calmed down a bit but Mason still looking at me like I got hit by a bus "what? I'm fin- shit!" I say almost screaming as the sharp pain came once one "no you're not, Naomi!!" he yells but I honestly was too busy in pain to even here what else he said.

Soon everyone was over me Naomi telling me to keep taking deep breaths while he checked for whatever. "okay, her water hasn't broke but I think she's going into labor we need to get her to the hospital " he says loudly while everyone looked horribly worried. Even my baby boy and I just wanted to hug him tell him that I am gonna be fine but fuck this god damn pain won't let me think straight.

Mason all too carefully picked me up and literally run walked to the car. I know this is totally serious but I do badly want to laugh at how all their faces looked, it's like they've never seen anything like this before.

He gently set me in the car and I smiled at him as it seems my contractions are minutes apart. "Let Sage drive with us" I tell him and he nods before walking away, he shortly after came back with Sage setting him on the back seat beside me before getting in himself and started our drive to the hospital.

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