Chapter Two

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Present time

Amira's POV

“It's okay baby I got it” I tell my son as he runs off to the door of my company with my bodyguard running after him. I got my bag from my Black rolls Royce along with his own bag that contains his toys and everything he could possibly fit in there.

Before you ask yes I have a child I was pregnant for a long ass nine months and there's nothing I would change about it even if I had to go through that two hours of labor again.

I locked the car from the key walking up to where Sage stood with another guard following me they got the door open and I took Sage's hand in mine walking forward as everyone greeted me this place was as busy as every other day and I like to see it. Walking past some of my employees Sage must've spot Lexi and he pulls his hand out of mine and runs off to her. My best friend picks him up kissing all over his face while he giggled.

“Mommy?” my baby boy ask as I got closer to them and I nod him on to speak “can I do big boy work with aunt Lexi?” he ask and I smile at his soft voice I have no idea how he manages to form perfect sentences at this age “why don't we go play in my office and once she gets majority of her work done I'll let you help okay?” I ask and he frowns but nods and his brown curly hair fall over his forehead reminding me of a certain someone.

I shake the thought off taking my baby into my arms and getting on the elevator heading to my office floor. There was two elevator one which is my private and the other for the workers, this building was like 10 stories tall and I have over 2500 employees so it's big enough I guess although I want to expand so that's something I'll have to think about, maybe I should get another building so I could get more work done and also create more opportunities. Thoughts.

If you're wondering what I do, I'm a scientist my company is called A.V.K Sanctum and yes that's my initials. Every floor except for the ground floor and the extreme top one has a name as there's a different experiment or just work taking place there. I absolutely love my job and plus being a boss isn't so hard everyone here knows I'm friendly but when it comes to work it's strictly work.

Honestly, I'm pretty damn proud of myself for just coming this far and making shit happen and part of the motivation was because of my little pride and joy

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Honestly, I'm pretty damn proud of myself for just coming this far and making shit happen and part of the motivation was because of my little pride and joy.

When I found out I was pregnant I had just gotten evicted from the only home I knew which was the apartment both Mason and I stayed at. I couldn't call anyone and ask for help because my parents despise me for the fact that I disobey them and my siblings stood by them.

I accepted that I was alone and pregnant, for days I cried and felt sorry for myself but I came to the conclusion that I wanted to keep my baby so I got off my ass going out in search of a job, even after days of searching I couldn't find any and I even became homeless for a little while. That's when I met Lexi and she took me in and fed me and got be a job at a small bakery down town, she wouldn't allow me to pay rent or anything so I use that money I got for pay and went to college where I then got a scholarship to Stanford I did all my courses online and since I was a fast and eager learner I went through school faster than most persons had and I got funding from this amazing woman that I gave a presentation to from a science competition which I won. I was ought to fly out to California so I could get construction started and I didn't want to go without my best friend so I literally ask her to leave her shit behind and follow me here and she did and I will forever be greatful for her. I gave birth to sage in the middle of schooling and my new company going under construction I guess it's safe to say my life was pretty eventful, probably still is.

But if I didn't get pregnant and left behind I would've never gotten this far in life so in some way I thank Mason for knocking me up with the most wonderful person in this cruel world. Now I think it's safe to say I'm a 24 year old billionaire with an amazing son that I got out of a fucked up ending of a relationship.


“Mommy?” my son came walking into my office “yes baby?” I ask stopping from my work to look at him. “I'm tired, you give me cuddles?” he ask walking around my desk and I smile picking him up setting him on my lap and he cuddled into my bosom.

It was almost midday and he's been playing since, he was yet to have his lunch but I'll let him be so he can rest I'll just have him eat once he wakes up.

He's such a baby whenever he wants to sleep and I love it, I love when he gets like this that way I can comfort him and make sure he knows that he's safe so if she wants cuddles then that's what he gets.

No, I don't spoil my son I do have my limits, I don't need him being bratty because he's a good kid. He knows we're very fortunate now but for me, life as a kid wasn't as easy as it is now. Though I don't want my baby to feel like he is lacking anything I try my best to give him whatever he needs and wants but only if I see it fit.

He started snoring lightly and just that reminded me of him that's exactly how he sounds....for fuck sake... Some times I really want him to just appear out of no where and tell me this all was a mistake or I could go to bed one night and wake up to being wrapped in his arms but I know it's all nothing but naive thoughts he fucking left me and I accepted that years ago.

The phone started ringing pulling me out of my thoughts, and I wrap my arms securely around my son so he wouldn't fall as I move to grab it.

“Amira Kenyon speaking ” I say in my professional monotone “miss, a mr. Donald wants to schedule a meeting for monday should I go ahead?” my assistant Rachel ask “oh yes of course ” I say remembering that he's the acting Ceo in a huge construction company. I wanted to get that other lab building up and someone recommended them so I decided to give them a try. “Will do miss” she says before I ended the call.

I stood from my chair walking to the door that joined Sage's play room which was like a bedroom to my office. I got this here as he spend most of his Saturdays here since I do work on Saturdays I only allow myself day-offs on Sundays and others get an individual day during the week.

I lay him on the bed and he snuggled in getting comfortable as I put his blanket over him pulling it up to his shoulders then making sure the AC wasn't too cold as he's a bit sensitive and he gets sick easily.

Walking back to my office I made sure to close the door behind me in case anyone should come in here.

I didn't want to eat lunch without Sage so instead went back to doing some paper work for my employees. It's like a bi-yearly annual check up that I do to make sure everyone was doing well financially and mentally even their health. I know I'm a good boss at least I try. If I don't check up on them then who will, besides I need my employees to be all good or else I won't have workers at all so it's a great thing that I do this twice every year even though it's very time consuming.

This went on for hours on end and I was getting bored as hell so I decided to go get Sage up from his nap so we could have a late lunch together.



Hello there,

Another one for yah

Hope y'all are enjoying so far


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