Chapter Seventeen

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Mason's POV

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" she yells hitting my chest but her hands had zero effect on me. "He's my friend you fucking asshole" she says moving her hair away from her face, still I'd rather she hates me than have any other man touch her or even go near her, she belongs to me and she fails to see that so I'll just help her in every way. "Why did you kiss me in front of him Mason? He was asking me out" she says and I snapped.

"Exactly, and you were gonna accept to go out with that nerd are you out of your fucking mind!?" I ask and she looks up at me with anger in her eyes "don't yell at me you fucking piece of shit" she says poking my chest, she's been yelling since we left that place and we drove in the same car back to her house just so she could do so while Sage rode with Lexi, so now we're standing outside her house at 11pm arguing because she wanted to go out with that weird bruce banner looking geek.

"What I do in my life is none of your business Mason, I'm a grown ass woman and I can make my own decisions " she spat "of course you are love, ain't no doubt about it" I say sarcasm dripping from my voice and she hissed at me "what is wrong with you!? Can't you let me be? I've been trying to talk to you for the past three weeks Mason and all you did was ignored me now it's bothering you that someone asked me out? Grow up and move on Mason because I have" she say and I stare into her captivating eyes that could make anyone melt "you're lying" I whisper making her shiver and sigh.

"You told me you were in a relationship why were you even going to accept his offer?" I ask knowing she lied she lowered her head and I smirked using my finger to lift her face so she's looking at me once more "you're mine, every part of you belongs to me and I refuse to share. The sooner you get this into your cute little head the better" I say and she pulls away from me looking me dead in the eye "I will date who I want when I want and there's nothing you can do to stop it" she snaps and I smile at her "yeah? Well let me see you try going out with some random ass man Amira, I dare you" I tell her as a warning before walking away and getting inside my car as the driver started it and drove away.

If she wants to play this stupid game then we will. How dare she tried letting someone else close to her, I will never allow it and she had better not try me. I got my phone out searching for that specific unknown number and call it.

"Sir?" came his deep voice "I think it's time, I've put this off for way too long and he's passing his place he fucking over stepped his boundaries " I say while my mind was running like a wild fire "we'll get it done tonight don" he says and with that I ended the call....We'll just see who's more stubborn....


Waking up I was exhausted and I didn't even do much yesterday. Today's Sunday and I can already tell it's gonna be a lazy day for me but whatever it's not like I've got anything to do or anywhere to be. I'll just make this day about relaxing since Sage is at Amira's I don't even have anyone to run after so that's boring.

Laying there I just stared up at the blank ceiling mindlessly. Honestly this is all shit, sometimes I still do wonder why I allow myself think about somethings. I should just get a on and off switch on my brain because the more I think the more I become obsessed with the fact that Amira was about doing that last night, I mean of course I know that it's her life but this all felt like I found her cheating and that makes me angry.

Why can't she just accept me and be mine. I've never looked at another woman to love since the day I met her and here she was almost accepting this bimbo's dumb excuse for a date. I'll just teach him a lesson he'll never forget in the rest of his pathetic life, he'll just go blind when he sees her if he ever lays eyes on her again.

Stupid fuck... I sigh rolling out the bed and walking to the bathroom going to get a shower to clear my head of my thoughts. I strip from my clothes stepping into the shower washing my body with my old spice body wash before stepping out to brush my teeth and styled my hair. Walking back to my room I got dressed in a simple black Dolce and Gabbana track suit before putting socks on and my watch.

Heir To The MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora