chapter thirty-one

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Mason's POV

“are you ready to go?” she asked grabbing her phone and I nod standing from the bed looking down at my phone still. “ mio amore, I've got a proposal for you” I say smiling at her as she looks at me suspiciously as if trying to figure out how to heist bank of America.

“what is it?” she ask placing her hands on her hips waiting for me to speak. I walk around to her holding my phone up and she took her time to look at it then sigh in frustration, I don't know why she's being grumpy. “Mason, we have two houses already that are only 30 minutes apart why do we need another one?” she ask calmly making me smile she's trying so hard not to get angry.

“okay hear me out, I know all that but this one is bigger and we could do so much more with the property ” I tell her and she rubs her forehead “leave it okay, we'll have this conversation when we get back home now come on” he says taking my hand in hers and pulling me forward and out the door heading downstairs.

We ought to be going grocery shopping, well she is but Sage and I decided to tag along so we can maybe get somethings that we want while she's not looking. We got to the living room and I quickly got Sage from there grabbing his iPod and walk out following Amira after getting the keys to my white maserati levante.

We head out locking the door behind us, I got Sage strapped in his car seat while Amira went to talk to the guards. I hand Sage his iPod and waited for Amira, once she's done with her conversation I opened the door for he and she got in as I did after and we were on our way to the supermarket seconds later.


We walk into the store with Amira to lead the way while Sage held my hand and our bodyguards to follow. She got a trolley a huge on at that now I have a feeling we aren't leaving this place anytime soon but I don't mind.

“Alright, let's start over here” she says walking to the vegetables, I pick Sage up into my arms while he looked around at everything looking mesmerized. There wasn't a lot of people in here as it's a week day so that's great, I hate having deal with people staring and acting like it doesn't make me uncomfortable. It seems they don't realize that we have a life also or the fact that we're human.

“daddy we should ditch mom let's look around ” he whispers making me laugh a bit who even thought him that word “okay, but give it a minute ” I say lowly and he nods. I set him down on his feet and we continued to follow Amira, she was looking from a list on her phone taking stuff up placing them in the trolley she wasn't even paying attention to us.

“come on we'll go down that aisle she won't see us then” I tell Sage and he nods mysteriously it's like we were up to something and we are this the reason we came in the first place. We stop while she continued walking and the guards were looking at us suspiciously I nod them on to follow her that way she'll just think its us. Both Sage and I ran into the snack aisle laughing once we notice we were free. “we should get our own trolley hmm?” I asked and he nods “no, what if she gets mad? Let's just explore it's a huge place we'll just get ice-cream” I tell him and he agrees taking my hand and we started walking around still keeping and eye out for Amira.

If this is what it feels like to be a normal person then I like it. No one was in here running after us with cameras nor bombarding me with questions and because there was hardly anyone in here no one was staring and we were having the time of our lives. I don't know how long it has been since we were walking around looking at everything like we've never seen it before and it's great.

We came upon the aisle filled with refrigerator and I know this has to be where the ice-cream is. “come on, I think we found it” I say walking and looking at everything until I found it. We both stood there looking at all the different brands and flavors. I know I'm getting Häagen-Dazs so that's out of it that's the best in my opinion no take backs. “what flavor do you want buddy?” I asked looking down a sage, his eyes scanned them and he pointed to the non-dairy chocolate salted fudge truffle so I open the friend and got him a large on and got a bourbon vanilla bean truffle for myself we'll just enjoy these with a movie when we get home.

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