chapter twenty-nine

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Mason's POV

I hate this all of it, I'm so freaking stressed I've lost count of how many times I've called Amira and I'm sure I left her over twenty messages since I left her house on friday night. This whole situation is absolutely torture, I know she's hurt because of what happened and I just want you hold her but I don't want to push it I want her to have space and time to think everything over.

Everything was going so well and Rebecca just had to come here putting ideas into Amira's head which is all wrong assumptions.

I'm not gonna lie and say oh I don't know her it's all too obvious that I know her but I've never in anyway been with her, she's fucking married for christ sake. That girl has been after me since I got to Italy and got everything back together. Carlo is one of my men so she's always around us as for some reason he trust her to know our business but he's a very serious person so I sort of trust him to keep her under control.

It was in both our best interest for me to let Carlo know what she's been up to since but we aren't an item and I would hate to break up their marriage when I don't want her. She's very determine to bother my life but I don't want her my heart and soul has been with the same person for the last six years and I don't intend to change that for a life time.

A knock came from my door and my eyes snap open as I look in that direction. “come in” I say loudly so they could hear, the door pushed open and my secretary walks in “sir, I'll be taking me lunch break now and I've cleared you schedule for the rest of the day” she says and I nod “thank you, you may go” I told her and she slightly nods before walking out.

I sigh checking the time seeing it just after 12pm so I sigh deciding to get my remaining work done since I was gonna leave soon to go get Sage from school. I was so lazy and distracted I hardly got anything done whenever I would try to focus I'd just start to think about the fact that Amira is mad at me and I can't just leave here and go to her work place to go plead for her to forgive me for what I don't even know but if she need to beg I will.

I literally can not live without Amira, if she should ever decide to move on with her life and leave me, that will be the day I become no more. There's no way in hell I'll ever allow her to be with anyone besides me or I'll go mad, call me crazy but if she's not with me then she won't be with anyone else it's just how I see it and I like it that way.

I sigh rubbing my forehead trying to sooth my pulsating head of my migraine. Too much thinking is never good but how can I even keep a clear head when one of the most important person in my life is mad at me and won't even answer my calls when I try to speak to her? Everything about this is just stressful and I wanted it to be over and dealt with as soon as possible.

I checked my watch to see it's 12:30 so I decided to be on my way so I could reach Sage school on time. Wouldn't want him to be waiting.

I quickly turned my computer off grabbing the files I didn't get done and stuffing them into my case so I could work at home. I pulled on my jacket them clear my table of it's contents throwing the used coffee cup in the bin and walked out my office closing and locking the door behind me. I got on my personal elevator and head down, once it opens I walk out ignoring everyone that was looking at me and whispering as if they've never seen me before.

I walk to my car and nod at my bodyguard as he returns it knowing where I was heading. I got in setting my stuff on the passengers seat before getting my keys and starting the car, seconds after I was on my way to Sage's school with my bodyguard driving in front of me.


“daddy!!” Sage yells running over to me and I smile seeing how happy he is I pick him up when he got close enough and hug him tightly “hey buddy, how was school?” I ask and he started ranting telling me everything that happened with him and his friends.

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