Epilogue II

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Sage & Paxton⬆⬆

Amira's POV

I was suddenly pulled out of the way by Paxton just as Sage ran past me with a shoe flying in the air thrown by a angry looking Phoebe. "you stupid knuckle head!" she yells and I frown at her "what as he done this time?" I ask looking between a smirking Sage and a still angry Phoebe "aunt Mira, he went through my phone and said he's gonna tell dad about my boyfriend " she says pouting "You're eleven, how do you have a boyfriend?" Paxton ask his deep voice almost startle me but we all none the less just waited for her to answer.

"I just do?" she says as if regretting it, I saw Paxton and Sage share a knowing look and I glare at them. They both take too much interest in the poor child's life, they both treat her like a little sister and honestly I totally get that but they can cut her some slack. She's Lexi and William's daughter a miracle baby as we call her, Lexi had a tough time getting pregnant and my boys had always wanted a sister but there was no way in hell I was ever gonna allow myself to get pregnant again not when I had a pair of boys who are my constant headache. More of a reason they both take this sweet eleven year old girl for their sister.

"you two will leave her alone, and Sage boundaries hmm" I tell them both firmly but they look at her as if to tell her it wasn't over just yet before she sticks her tongue out at them and walked away. I shook my head at them and pull Paxton along with me continuing our walk to Mason's office as Sage also chose to join us.

I've retired completely since Sage became 18 and that was a whole three years ago but Mason just won't give up working he's freaking addicted but the kids appreciate him still wanting to work especially Sage since he despise paper work so he'll just have Mason do whatever he 'doesn't have time for' and their father will only do it so he's not 'bored' when in reality he just simply can't stay away neither can he say no to them even when he wants to be all strict and act like he doesn't only live to please our children and I of course.

Walking down the hall we finally came to his office and I push the door open and walked in with him staring in annoyance but he should know it will only be me that will never knock I don't care it's what or who's room, I'm very much not obligated to knock on any door in my house.

He sighs and I smile at him as the boys both took seats in front his desk but I went around to him and he relax as I took my place on his lap. "what do you two want from me?" he ask the boys looking at them suspiciously and I smack his chest making him pout and I gently peck his lips.

"okay we aren't here for PDA" Sage says making me roll my eyes, I pull away from Mason and look at Paxton so he would tell his father why we're here. "I want to finish high school virtually because I want to work, and I know I'm only 16 dad but please you know I'll not let you down" Paxton explain while we all wait for Mason to say something, apparently Sage already knew Paxton's decision because he wasn't shocked the slightest bit.

"why do you want to leave now you only have two more years to go?" Mason ask and Paxton shrug "Sage is working and going to university why can't I do the same?" he ask sadly and I wanted to just forget about Mason and tell him he could just do what he wants but that's exactly why I had to let Mason deal with this.

"alright we'll make a deal, I'll give you two weeks and if in that time you prove that you can handle work and school your mother and I will have everything arranged " he says and Paxton smiled seemingly happy which made me smile "okay deal" he says "can I also stay over at Sage's?" he ask and Mason glares at him "don't push it" he warns and Paxton nods.

My phone went off with an alert saying someone's at the door so I got to my feet ready to leave Mason's office. "wrap this up will you" I tell him before kissing his lips softly, pulling away I smile at him before heading to the door "come on children " I called walking out as they both followed walking behind me like bodyguards as I went to get the door opened.

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