81. Double Quotient, but still silly and sweet (plus)

Start from the beginning

    The type of person who can easily lose out and will count the money when sold out.

    Of course Jia Qi knows very well that this girl, whether it is IQ or EQ, actually belongs to a very high type ...... but the whole person shows

    The most important thing is that you will be able to get the most out of your life.

    You know how to look at the atmosphere and the attitude of others, and you will notice the slightest movement of others' emotions ...... but once it comes to matters concerning yourself

    She turns into a silly white girl.

    If you want to draw an analogy, it's that two people have the slightest hint of a relationship, and Elu can quickly sense that they have a crush on each other


    Whether it's a match or an angry argument, Eroku can always find a quick solution to achieve the goal ...... For some emotional dumb

    She is also a master of love, as she can find answers to emotional mysteries with her intuition.

    But if the person he jiāo interacts with is herself, she becomes a fool ...... because she doesn't care much about herself at all, in exam

    The subconscious mind excludes itself when considering anything.

    As it is now, she doesn't even think she'd have a problem sleeping with a boy - whether you earn it or not is your business, the opposite

    I don't feel I'm at a disadvantage.

    To put it mildly, even when she is being molested, if there is no discomfort arising from the physical difference, she might actually

    The attitude of indifference continues.

    But if it was someone like Yuhi, someone she knew and trusted, she would have been totally indifferent.

    So, it will take a long time to properly guide and educate Her Highness the Demon King on the path of growing up as a girl ah ......

    "Don't worry about it, Stupid Hoshi has a girl he likes, he won't do anything to me. And I'm in a good buddy relationship with him, no its

    I don't mean anything else. ......"

    "As for the identity issue, he doesn't know that my body and my disguise are actually one and the same. ...... But the fact that my body is not human he

    knows that ......"

    "What if it's you he likes? He didn't tell you who he likes, did he?" While playing the game, Ka Ki threw out a

    question as if he had read the script.

    "No way, if he did he would have gone after me a long time ago...... many times he would have had the chance to just put me on the spot, but he didn't. The

    So while he may have some crush on me, it's certainly not me he likes." The little devil shook his head and was the first to dismiss the correct answer.

    Be reasonable, as long as a person in his right mind is in my place, there's no way I'd make a move on you, right? Jia Qi spat in his mind, a

    distracted, the game in his hand

    The game in his hand was about to restart again.

    Isn't the ultimate goal of liking someone to make them fall in love with you? To go straight for it is not to like her, it is to crave her.


    Unless the other person already likes you to a certain extent, this kind of nonsense will only cause the other person to resent you and put the cart before the horse.

    The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have a good feeling about you.

    "You really are a fool ......" Jia Qi sighed and reopened a game.

    "Hey, how do you curse? Do you believe I'll bite you?" Hearing the other party's statement, His Highness the Demon King muttered in dissatisfaction.

    "Fine, fine, I'm wrong ...... turn around and you'd better ask him who he likes ...... you're curious yourself aren't you?"

    "That's true, I'll just ask him when we get back ......" Giving an affirmative reply, Eru pondered what his nemesis might like

    The list of candidates in his head ......

    Su Shamo? After all, she's a pretty girl with good grades, quiet and shy, a goddess type of girl

    I'm not sure if I'm a goddess.

    The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of people. As a twin, her face is nothing to write home about ...... and her sister's personality is much more lively and mischievous than hers.

    It's not likely that Yuhi likes this type.

    Yoon Yue ...... is quite good looking, other than that, I am not familiar with it and do not understand it, so I reserve my opinion and do not comment on it ......

    When I think of this, Elu feels a little embarrassed ...... as if Yoon Yue was in the same class as myself, and I can't believe how much I know about her

    The two girls in the other class are not as well known.

    I think we should spend more time with her next semester before we split up ...... After all, she is quite interested in her own affairs

    The fact that you are always on the sidelines is a bit inappropriate.

    The little devil king stretched out a lazy back when he thought about it. With a cute whimpering sound in her mouth, a certain loli again because of greedy comfort, will own position

    The pose was adjusted to a large one.

    Just as she had gotten into the pose, Jia Qi slapped her directly on her thighs covered by black knee socks with a slap.

    "Put your legs together!"

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now