Eighty-six. The final exam is over.

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A day later, the final exam has come to an end. The students who were very excited about the holiday all took their own things.

Day students only need to carry a bag, wave goodbye to their classmates and friends, and leave the school gate directly. In the dormitory

In our envied eyes, we either take the school bus, pick up and drop off by parents, or walk directly to the nearest Gongjiāo station and subway station...

Most of the boarding students live far away and have to come back on Monday to receive holiday homework and transcripts. In addition, there are a lot of things to put.

In the dormitory, it's really inconvenient to leave like this. Except for a small number of people who communicate well with their families in advance, most people choose this weekend.

Stay at school.

The little devil in school uniform is sitting alone on the rooftop of the boys' dormitory, covering his little head, and still struggling with last night.

The dream of.

Because of the 'phantom' in power, too real dreams have

It's really a headache to paint the road. Any more impressive dream can make her entangled for a long time. Especially

Those nightmares also left her a lot of psychological yin shadows.

But except for illusions, what His Royal Highness the Devil is not clear about... Her dreams will also be shadowed by 'Time', one of the same powers.

Sound. What His Royal Highness usually dreams of is not necessarily false...

Unlike the so-called predictive dream, the future she foresees in the dream has always been mixed with the illusory situation. Even if

Seeing what will happen in the future, she can hardly tell which are predictions and dreams... Not to mention her roots

Ben didn't realise a certain established future of these things.

"He is my brother. How can I have this idea..." Grasp your hair and draw the road. The whole person is crazy." And I also

Little, I don't want to get married yet..."

Wait a minute, I seem to be sixteen? With a move in his hand, His Royal Highness suddenly remembered that he was a sophomore in high school.


To be honest, her immature appearance deceives Xing so strong that she sometimes forgets her actual age when she draws the road.


"If it's sixteen years old, is it time to fall in love?" Hold your chin and meditate, "But I haven't met anyone I like.


"Anyway, stupid hope can't!" As soon as he patted the floor under him, the little devil didn't know who he really lost his temper with.

After all, she felt that it might be because the two were too familiar with each other. She really didn't have any idea about Youxi in love. And

It's strange to have such an idea for your good brother, okay?

Although I may try something with him at that time... But he was chosen out of curiosity and trust. And

And to some extent, she is also in high spirits. She must be very cowardly when she really gets started.

"I have seen so much on the Internet that I feel so troublesome to fall in love..." The little devil sitting at the top of the solar circuit board, holding his hands on his body.

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now