XLI. The title is used in the pot

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"Sis, are you okay with this?" Early in the morning, looking at

Eiya was very worried about Lori, who was trying to maintain her normal posture while holding back the pain.

"No problem, don't worry ......," the little devil gritted her teeth, although her mouth said so, but in reality, her leg was hurting at this moment, she was about to cry.


But he is the older brother and cannot be humiliated in front of his own sister! As an older brother, one must be the one to rely on for his sister and not leave her without

There is a sense of safety.

"After my disguise, you remember not to call me sister ......," admonished twice, and to someone's horrified look, His Highness the Demon King put the end of the tail sticks into the chā on the wall ......

"Sis! It's dangerous! It will touch ......"

"I'll charge up a bit, you stop messing around for a while ......" as the absorption transformation and filtering of energy needs to be handled by a certain loli herself, Erolu interrupted

    the words of her own sister, lest she be affected by the transformation process.

"You go ahead and change and pack, I guess the police station will call us later ......" Elu waved his hand and urged up

    her own sister ......

I have to get used to the pain first, after all, I have to use my disguise to get in touch with people later, so I can't be seen as

    The problem with your body.

Not long after Eeya entered the room, the landline phone in the living room rang, and Erolu guessed who was calling...


    "Ya, go answer the phone! I'm still charging ......"

"Ohhh ......" Eeya rushed out of her room and answered the phone ......

"Yeah ...... okay, got it ......" Looking at his sister's mmmm and nodding in agreement, the little devil king felt the magic remaining

It's probably enough to last a few hours in disguise.

The tail was pulled out and a few electric sparks were brought out at the interface location, while at the same time Eiya's side put down the phone.

"I'm going to wash my tail ...... Is that the police station calling?" Limping towards the bathroom, Erolu turned back to Eiya and inquired.

"Well yeah, we were called over to ask something ......"

"You need to remember what you said yesterday. ...... This is no joke." Wetting a towel and gently wiping his tail, the little devil

Seriously and seriously, he addressed his sister jiāo.

"I know that ...... but sis do you really want to go over there like this? How about just saying you're hurt and I'll go over there?"

"Stop it, do I feel comfortable with you going over there alone?" Hang up the towel

    , Erolu walked out slowly, practising forcing himself to maintain a normal walking position.

"And it's impossible for me to make contact with people in my own body, except for the damage I take in my camouflaged state, which is not reflected in my own body

    injuries ......" the little devil king analyzed in a serious manner, "Once they check a little and find out that I am fine, then things will be more troublesome."

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now