Thirty-eight. The feminisation of the best party?

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As mentioned earlier, once the little devil enters a state of forced dormancy, he will start to violently rob the energy around him. After those unfiltered energy is converted into magic, unuseable impurities will damage her body.

Although it is an impurity, it is essentially just removed from unuseable energy and will not accumulate in the body. However, these impurities will still have a considerable impact on hu lu.

First, as is the case, it directly causes certain damage to the viscera or tissue. This is why His Royal Highness coughs up blood every time he is forced to dormancy.

The second is to cause a certain degree of deterioration of some physical diseases. Part of the joints of the little devil will hurt when it rains cloudy, partly because it has not been properly handled, and partly because these impurities further aggravate the degree of the disease.

Fortunately, this situation does not happen normally. Except when you fall asleep, His Royal Highness's body will not automatically absorb the surrounding energy. In the case of active absorption, she can also actively filter.

Even when you fall asleep, it will only absorb the part of the energy that touches the body. This degree of quantity, relying on the automatic filtering of the body itself, can be completely coped with.

"So, that's it." Sitting back on the chair, holding his hands on the back of the chair. Painting Lu shook his head and looked like a 'small scene, don't panic'.

"So, under certain circumstances, you will force yourself to fall asleep, and then this state will cause certain damage to your body, but you can recover quickly?"

The other party shook the chair back and forth, not like a girl at all. Although he looked like a person, Youxi did not forget the previous scene in the bathroom, and he was still a little skeptical.

Because the magic was too troublesome to explain, the little devil directly prevaricated it with reasons such as symptoms, although to some extent, she didn't lie.

"By the way, has it rained in the morning?" Shake the chair for a while, lay on the back of the chair, and suddenly changed the topic.

"Yes, it rained heavily in the morning. What's wrong?"

"No, it's just that there are some pains on my body, so I guess if it's raining..." Her Royal Highness the Devil suddenly looked listless. She didn't like rainy days very much.

The soreness around the joints makes her uncomfortable, and the wings are more serious. Not to mention that I can't fly, I haven't bask in the sun yet. In various senses, the little devil doesn't like rainy days very much.

"It's a coincidence that Lu Zai is the same. It seems that he has been injured before, leaving a lot of problems..." Youxifu, I don't know how to complain about his best friend.

"I persuaded him several times, but the guy didn't know why he refused to see a doctor. I can't help it either..." Thinking of the previous dialogue between the two, Youxi was speechless for a while...

"What's the situation with you? Go to see a doctor." One rainy day, the two were eating in the restaurant. When they heard hu lu complaining about the pain, Youxi said helplessly.

"Old, old... It's not useful. My back hurts sore. I don't want to do anything but go home and fish in bed." Lying on the table like a dead fish, I don't even want to move hu lu now.

"Call old at the age of 15... Why don't you go to see a doctor?"
"No, it's not a big problem. And I'm already an old man. Stop tormenting my old bone..."

"It's all said that you're only 15... Forget it, you like whatever you like. Hurry up and order. I'll treat you this time..." Hand over the menu to the other party, Youxi said angrily. After hearing the other party's words, Hu Lu was refreshed and quickly took the menu and looked at it...
"So what's wrong with you? Do you want to have a look?" Back to now, Youxi looked at the girl like a salted fish in front of him and asked with concern.

"Old, old... It's useless. My back hurts..." His Royal Highness the Devil lying on the table answered casually, not taking the other party's words to heart at all.

"How old are you? You start to say that you are old..." Youxi smiled and smiled, and suddenly found something was wrong.

Why are you so familiar with this? Have you heard of it somewhere? Looking at the girl's vision, Youxi rethinked the girl's identity.

"You care about me..." Without noticeing the other party's sight, the little devil pouted discontentedly. She doesn't want to do anything now but want to take a shower and lie in bed.

"Have some soup and cook chicken soup for you..." He gave the girl in front of her a bowl of soup and handed it to her. Youxi thought about the relationship between the other party and his best friend in his mind.

趴On the table, His Royal Highness the Devil moved his head to the front of the bowl, looking extremely lazy. He didn't even want to move his hands. Like a small animal, he stretched out his tongue and licked the soup inside.

"Hot, hot!!!" Like a fried cat, the little devil with some cat tongues sat up immediately after being burned.

"Be careful..." Looking at the girl's stupid and cute appearance, Youxi sneered.

However, she is really so similar to Lu Zai. Her hobbies, habits, personalities, and reactions to specific situations are exactly the same...

If it weren't for the big gap in appearance, even the species might have been different, and someone would still be alive. Youxi felt that he might really think that the girl in front of him was a feminised version of his best friend.

With the soup in one hand, she helped the girl cool down. Youxi looked at the girl's bulging look, and finally shook his head, throwing out his mind strange ideas.

Anyway, it's too strange to deal with feminisation. Reality is not a novel. Don't think about so many strange things...

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