IX. The tangle of the devil king

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"Hello, Uncle Leigh ...... Well, it's me." The call was answered and a familiar voice came from the other end.

"Sorry to call so late ...... but I

, there's some pretty serious situation." With that, the little devil's eyes flicked towards the window of the room ...... although the window was not

Nothing strange has happened.

Just now, when Yuuki was planning to go out, Eiru vaguely seemed to hear a movement that was not right. After having strengthened herself with the magic power of

After hearing, she finally heard the movement outside.

It was the sound of a woman struggling and calling for help, accompanied by the sound of both parties chasing each other in circles between the complex alleyways ...... estimates

The count was so flustered that for a moment he could not distinguish his way through the complex alley.

Combining this with what the taxi driver had told him on the way out, His Highness probably guessed what was happening outside.

Not quite sure of the exact location and it sounds like the incident is quite a distance away ...... but still in the neighborhood. So

It was only then that she hurriedly pulled Yuhi from returning.

After all, there is a high probability that Yuhi will run into it on his way back, and according to this guy's xing, 80% will rush up to do what is right ...... she could

I don't want my best friend to get hurt or be in danger.

Not to mention the safety issues, even as a witness to such a murder, Eiru didn't want Yuki to be involved

The. After all, if you get caught up in it, a whole lot of trouble is going to follow.

His Highness was not a cold-blooded creature who would not see death, and did consider whether she should go out and help. But after weighing up

After getting down to his current physical condition, he eventually gave up on the idea.

I don't have enough magic now, and I need to hide my non-human status. Unlike the last time I was a trafficker, this time if I get involved with

It's easy to go in and get into an accident ......

And the most important thing is that if you run out, Stupid Hee will definitely also run out because he is not sure, and then follow his own piece. If he saw the scene and got involved, it would be putting the cart before the horse ......

Moreover, people instinctively fear the powerful unknown. Although Yuhi does not care about his non-human status now, if he gives

He had seen his terrifying combat power and it was hard to guarantee that the other side would not be afraid to alienate themselves.

Considering all these things, the little devil finally chose to be an ordinary person and jiāo to the police uncles to deal with it, instead, the most at the moment

A good programme.

"Yes, I'll get

someone over to take a look at ......" After roughly explaining the situation, the opposite party said they would have someone come over to take care of it and tell her to stay home

Don't go outside.

"I'm sure it's still so suffocating ......" Putting down the phone, his heart filled with regret for the strange victim, Eiru went to the closet

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now