VI. Yuhi's cat is here

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    After eating, the little devil king was full and drunk pour ready to go home. And Qiyi has another event to attend, so will not for a while

    back to Dome City, but found a hotel near the Huanghai Expo Center and intended to stay for two days.

    "Take care of yourself, don't go out at night, and don't travel alone if possible." His Highness the Demon King cautioned the other party, after all, when he came

    what she heard from the taxi driver's side still made her a bit worried about Qi Yi's safety.

    "Silly Lori, obviously you're the one who needs to pay attention, shouldn't I take you back better? You're so small, going back alone really doesn't

    problem?" QiYi felt a little amused, obviously compared to her, this little loli in front of her needed to worry about safety more, right?

    "I've come alone, and I'm still afraid of such things? Don't goad how I've been living in Huanghai for so many years, haven't I? You're an outsider.

    You're a foreigner, you're not familiar with the place, so you need to pay attention to safety!"

    "Okay, okay, let's not talk about that, it's getting late, you should hurry back by subway." Looking at the setting sun, Qi Yi hurriedly

    urged up the other party and told her to hurry home.

    "Alright, I'll go then."

    "Go home now!"

    Qi Yi, who was not at ease with the other party, kept watching the other party enter the subway station before turning around and walking in the direction of the hotel. And after she left

    Shortly after, our little demon king, however, slipped out of the subway station again.

    "The ghost still has to squeeze the subway ah eat up?" Himself but have wings can fly, come when you can not fly, back always

    Can you?

    She didn't want to follow a group of people to squeeze the ground again.

    The subway. Also, she had been mauled on the subway today, and even though she said she had broken the other person's hand, she still felt like she had eaten

    a loss.

    His Highness the Demon King still cared about that aspect of things, and none of those who dared to mooch off her would end up well. Oh, except for Stupid Hoshi.

    That one was sent up by herself as compensation and doesn't count!

    After finding a suitable building and easily blending in with her appearance, the young demon lord took the elevator to the top floor and

    Then he climbed up the stairs to the rooftop of the building.

    Of course, in order to avoid leaving anything behind, His Highness the Demon King usually always had the cameras along the way when he moved in his own body

    to black out.

    Compared to the beginning when she simply made the surveillance stop functioning and black out, she, who was getting more and more comfortable with the control of her magic power, could now do it as she

    tamper with the surveillance screen to a certain extent by hand. For her now, even if she strutted past the security camera, the camera

    would not appear in the camera at all.

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now