Eighty-one. The little devil who forced Youxi to take a nap

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"Don't worry, I choose science..." Thinking that the other party did not know his identity, the little devil still asked this question.

The question has been answered.

"Well, about my classmate?" Hearing that the girl chose science, Youxi's mood obviously rose a lot.

"I have to consider this... I'll give you a reply later." His Royal Highness picked up a French fries and handed it to his best friend." Open your mouth, ah..."

"Well, think about it..." Youxi did not refuse and ate the French fries that the girl fed her mouth in one bite.

But time is still not so generous... Youxi, who has read the school calendar, knows that this summer vacation has been cut off for nearly half a month.


This half-month will be used in the military training of these prospective sophomores. Plus one more month in the first month of sophomore year of high school

In fact, there is not enough time for a Loli to tutor in the off-campus social practice activities.

Speaking of military training... Youxi looked at the silver-haired Loli's small body in front of him and couldn't help worrying - can this girl stand it?

Let's not mention the problem that a Loli conceals her inhuman identity. She will have multiple joint pains when it rains on that day. It really can stand it.

Is it stressful to live in military training?

However, his best friend also has this problem, and he is also quite worried about him. But at least Lu Zai is a big boy who can beat more than a dozen gangsters.

He won't be so easy to be put down.

"By the way... What are you going to do with the military training after the summer vacation of the school? Ask for leave?"

"Military training? What military training?" The little devil looked stunned. Is there anything like military training?

Having truant all day, she is already very good to know the exam time and subjects. You can't expect a person who is not in the classroom all day.

Go to the school calendar, let alone various notification activities.

"Isn't it just military training... It's not that I didn't participate in junior high school..." Drawing the road and swinging hands, it doesn't matter. Halfway through,

But she realised something...

At that time of junior high school military training, I... It seems that it's still a boy?

"Hello? Xiaoluluo, what's wrong with you..." Seeing that the girl suddenly stayed where she was stunned, Youxi stretched out her hand and waved twice in front of the other party to test.

The reaction of the other party.

"No... Nothing..." With a stiff smile, His Royal Highness realised that this military training would have been since her Luohua.

The most serious and troublesome problem encountered.

I don't want it! Why do you need military training? You are torturing sweet and cute Xiaoluo.

Leah! No, no, I have to find a way to ask for leave...

But what if I can't ask for leave? Drawing a road indicates that I have an abnormal headache now... If it's similar to junior high school, ask for leave for military training.

There must be legitimate reasons and parental consent and proof.

On this condition, it has basically been announced that this leave cannot be asked for. Doesn't she know her parents yet? This kind of thing as military training

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora