Seventy-two. Back home, the Demon King is unusually bored

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    Eeya helped Ero to enter the backyard of the old house, and after a while, Ero was finally back to normal.

    "I guess I'll be staying for a fortnight when I come back this time, so how long will you stay here this time before you go to Grandma's side, Sayaka?" Finding two stools to sit on, Elu

    Lu asked about his sister's plans for her return this time.

    "I was planning to stay for a day or two, but now I want to stay here with you ...... hehehe~" Eeya propped her hands between her legs with a smile

    hee hee look.

    "Forget it, you'd better go to Grandma's ......" Erolu could foresee that if this unlucky girl stayed here, she was definitely going to give herself

    If this unlucky girl stayed here, she was sure to get herself into a whole lot of trouble.

    "Yeh, how desperate ......"

    "It's not that I'm desperate, honestly you just want to stay here, I don't think Mum and Dad would agree ......" Elu scratched his head and said he

    don't take the blame.

    Sometimes Erolu also felt that his own father and mother were not spoiling Eeya too much ...... never scolded and not to mention, not

    The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the most out of your life.

    And not only the parents, Elu feels that almost all the people in the family, all maintain a wonderful attitude towards Eiya.

    Like pity and sympathy? But mixed with a feeling of resentment ...... Although this feeling has become more and more shallow over the years, the family has been treating her

    The attitude of the family towards their sister is becoming more and more normal.

    But fortunately, my sister did not turn into some strange bear child under such spoiling, although some brutal and capricious, but the whole

    The whole thing is still very considerate ...... although sometimes her brain circuit is really confused.

    "Why don't you come with me to grandma's house? I'll talk to my parents and they won't say no. ......" Eeya has been addicted to smoking for a while now.

    She said that without her sister, life would be a lot less fun.

    "As much as I'd love to go over there with you to touch the fish, you know my reputation ...... and I don't want to spend all day at my grandmother's house with too many people.

    live with that kind of stare on my head." Elu stretched his hands, saying that he was not going there to receive blank stares. This side is a little worse, but good

    At least it was a relaxing and enjoyable life ......

    "Okay ...... but I reckon Dad will be sending me to Granny's tonight. Ah.

    It's so sad not having my sister to suck ......" Eeya pounced up and hugged Erolu with a reluctant look on her face ......

    "You be normal and spill your hands! The stool's going to fall over!"

    -- Time brushed away --

    The ending was pretty much what Eiya expected, only slightly earlier ...... Not long after lunchtime, hiding in the storage room

    Eeya was caught by Eigaki and sent to her grandmother's house in the county.

    The third-floor room of the small house, where his sister had escaped, had been restored to its original form, and the little devil was lying at the window, looking at the farmland in the distance.

    Dazed ......

    To be honest, it was a bit uncomfortable for the Demon King to be stuck with Eeya for a while and not see each other.

    Those people downstairs she really doesn't want to get in touch with ...... whether it's grandpa or uncle, in Elu's impression it's rather stern


    As a child, Erolu was afraid of them and basically avoided people. As a child, she was almost exclusively close to her grandmother at home and

    She was also very close to her grandmother.

    Later, her grandmother was sent to Huanghai City for convalescence due to ill health, and usually only came back once during the New Year ...... and now the grandfather

    The family's fields are all taken care of by the eldest uncle's family.

    But Elu's grandfather is also an idle master, this does not do something, he feels idle ...... lifetime of toil used to, have

    The company's main business is to provide a wide range of services and services to the public.

    "So boring ......" with his tail wagging behind him, His Highness the Demon King inadvertently glanced at another household not far away - his own

    hairdresser's home.

    "I wonder if that stupid bastard Kir is back from abroad yet, I haven't seen him for a long time ......" chanting about his hairdresser, the little devil king looked at

    The other side of the house was a large double-storey room and sighed.

    The other party, like himself, ran away to primary school together in Huanghai City ...... Before he met Yuhi in junior high school, this hairdresser named Eka-ki

    The child was the only friend Erolu had.

    However, as soon as he graduated from primary school, the young man was sent abroad to study by his family. Since then, they have been in touch occasionally, but

    Even on New Year's Day, it was difficult for them to see each other.

    "Forget it, the guy who doesn't even come back for New Year's Eve, how can he see people during the summer ......" Skimming his eyes, the little devil king got out of his chair

    jumped down from the chair.

    "Why don't we go around to the 'old place'?" Stretching a

    back, Elu made a decision.

    Because of the fear of being found out, there was no way Erolu would be able to sleep here to pass the time ...... Instead of idling around the house until he was panicking, he would go out for a few

    I think it's better to go out for a few rounds and have some fun, right?

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum