Camp Castaways (2/3)✅

Bắt đầu từ đầu

-Here you can take it.- I hand her a shirt.

-Isn't it...

-Yes, it is Geoff's. Sorry, I don't have anything more with me.

-Normally, I would never wear it, but I'm so cold I don't care that much anymore. Are you ok with me wearing it tho? After everything that happened he...

-I insist you keep it. I don't want you to catch a cold. I'm alright with it.

-Thanks. Hey, why are you laughing?- She points at me.

-Who me? No.- I act innocent.

-Oh, come on, say it already.

-You just look cute in pink. Actually, better than me.

-I'll pretend you didn't say that.- She blushes slightly at my comment.- I'm not wearing pink.

-Sure, honey. -I smirk.- Now to the important things. Where the hell are we?- I look around.

-It's of course, another challenge. It must be one of crazy Chris's ideas.- Gwen snarls

-In that case, he should have left any kind of information. Let's look around. Maybe we'll find something if we're lucky.

-Don't leave my sight tho. I don't want to be alone with it.

-I'm not leaving you behind, there is no chance. -I reassure her.

-Let's get this over with.

I go right, and she goes left. I keep close to the shore just in case. Something glimmering quickly catches my attention, tho. I enter the nearest shrubbery and crouch next to the object.

-It can't be.- I gasp.

I pick up a silver pin with the word "softie" on it, but instead of ''o'' there is a sunflower. I hold it in my hand and don't dare to move even an inch.

I recognize the object, immediately. In my school, a lot of people actually mess with Porter. Joking around and making snarky comments about him being too soft. He especially hears that from jocks, obviously.

One day, on the playground, Mark, our basketball team's captain, approached Porter and started bullying him. I clearly remember his exact words that were ridiculous. Porter was always popular with girls, who find him romantic and charming, but Mark shouted


-Look at yourself, loser. Who would date a softie like you?

-I would.- I step in front of him.- I'd rather date this softie than such an arrogant and ungrateful jock. If you think you'll win over anyone by being angsty and brutal, you're mistaken. First, learn how to behave and be confident in yourself, then you'll have no reason to bully.

Mark was madly blushing, definitely taken by surprise.

-Sorry Alexandra, I'll never bother him again.

That day it became obvious to the whole school that Mark had a crush on me since I was the only person that could stop his bullying. To make it up for Porter, who was clearly down by the whole thing, I ordered this very pin I have in my palm now.

I weight the pin in my hand for some more, not knowing what to do with this fact.

-Found anything?- Gwen's voice reaches me.

-Just Alexandra, meditating in this shrubbery.- Duncan's voice makes its presence.

-My god, what did I tell you about leaving my sight! You scared me.- Gwen scolds me.

Bitter sweet- TDINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ