Monsters #3

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Rachel parked in the street. “Shit there must be over a hundred people here.” Cars lined the narrow road and filled the north end parking lot. “The effects of social media,” Emily muttered.

        Dim lights glowed along the shore line, illuminating the sand and clusters of people. From the crest of the hill, I could see the crowds of people pulsing with life. They stretched out over the base of the sand dune and waded through the shallows.

        “So if we get separated we all agree to meet back here at two?” Rachel breathed.

“Yeah,” I climbed out of her low, rusted out Ford. Rachel tucked her six-pack of Cruisers underneath her arm and kicked the door shut.  “Do you want to take one?” she asked.

“No thanks,” I shook my head.


“No I’m ok,” Emily replied.

        We descended the steep hill and cut across the parking lot. The lifeguard house stared down on us. Its windows gave a small glimpse into the dark rooms behind them like black, soulless eyes. I didn’t want to think about what it would see as the night unfolded before it.

        We stumbled over the path leading down to the beach. Sand covered the wooden planks that were laid down many years earlier. We kicked off our shoes and walked barefoot along the beach.

        The sand was soft underneath the soles of my feet. It felt cold and gentle on heels, clinging to my clammy flesh and creating a thin coating.

        Music echoed along the coastline. People were surfing, disappearing and reappearing amongst the waves. Others were spread out over blankets and passing around drinks. Delighted squeals spread through me and travelled down the beach.

        The crowd engulfed us, surrounding us with noise and stimulating my senses. The night sky fell over us like a dome. The stars gave the illusion of being inside a snow globe. I kind of liked that idea; of being part of something that could be viewed from the exterior as something beautiful.

        “Rachel!” Katy’s voice carried over the music and boisterous chatter. She threw her arms around Rachel’s shoulders, pressing against her back. Startled, Rachel shook her off. Victoria hovered behind Katy, glancing around at the other youth with disinterest.

        “I thought you two weren’t coming,” Katy frowned.

“Well it seems that Clare has an admirer,” Rachel teased.

“What?” Katy gasped, “Who?”

“He’s not an admirer,” I mumbled.

“Who?” Katy insisted.

“Matt,” Rachel giggled.

“Fletcher?” Katy arched her eyebrows.

“He’s not an admirer,” I repeated.

“He’s like twenty,” Katy said.

        “Where are we sitting?” Emily interrupted.

“The guys have set up at the bottom of the sand dune,” Victoria breathed. She led us through the clusters of people.

        Leighton, Xavier and Jason where sitting on a large, navy blanket. They were laughing amongst each other, indulging in a joke that I didn’t understand. Victoria took up her place beside Leighton. “I’ll put that in the esky babe,” Jason stood up and took the Cruisers off of Rachel. He kissed her lightly on the cheek.

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