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Wade Reeves
I was laying on the floor of the cage, barely able to move, since my arms and legs were tied. I also haven't eaten ever since I was abducted. And I'm hungry.

While laying in the cage, I heard a loud bang and many footsteps afterward. It was silent, then after minutes, I heard yelling, Olivia going back and forth with someone.

That voice! It was Ronin! Well, at least I hope.

Many more footsteps sounded above me, and instead of stopping, it all continued. Bumping and thudding filled the area above me. I heard loud stomps coming down the stairs.

My heart began to pound, and my breathing sped up. I didn't know who it was and what they wanted. And I was scared. I saw the person's foot hit the ground, then the other. When they rounded the corner, I was relieved on who it was.

"Wade!" Ronin called when he saw me. He ran over and looked at the cage. "She did this to you?" I nodded. Ronin stood up and looked around for something to break the chain. He saw a hammer sitting in the far corner of the room and picked it up.

"Back away real quick so you don't get hurt." I did as he told me to and slid back. He held the hammer up and brought it down on the lock, then another time, and another, until the lock broke.

The cage door swung open and I crawled out slowly and weakly. When I got out, Ronin pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad you're safe." He said. "And I'm sorry you had to go through this. I shook my head.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." We stayed like this for what felt like minutes. I took in his scent, melting into his arms. This relieved me. I felt like everything that has happened never happened.

"Ready to go home?" Ronin asked softly. I nodded, and so he helped me to my feet and held onto me, never letting me go. As we walked towards the stairs, I heard someone else coming down the stairs.

"I won't let the two of you have a happy ending." Olivia said. "If I can't have one, you can't either." I looked up.

"Olivia," I said. "We should stop all of this. None of this is worth it. Just let us pass and we can all forget about it and go back to our normal lives." Honestly, I was really wanting to cuss this bitch out, but I didn't want another problem to start, so I decided to restrain myself.

"We can't go back to our normal lives. At least I can't. Hunter never pays attention to me anymore because you're still in the picture." You know what? Fuck it. Forget about self control. This bitch needs to be put in her place.

"He probably doesn't want your dumbass because you act like a petty little bitch baby. Probably because you decide to do unnecessary shit. And he sure as hell wouldn't want your ass no more after this is broadcasted on the news. So it looks like you dug your own fucking grave bitch." For a moment, she hadn't said a word. But then huffed.

"You act like you know everything. You act like you know how I feel!" She yelled.

"Oh hell yeah I know how you feel! You're the one who took him from me! I was pregnant with his child! I cared for him! But he decided he wanted and bitch like you! So yeah, I know damn well how you feel! But I feel worse because he left me alone to provide all by myself! So don't get all whiny and crying because you're upset that he don't want you no more! Be cause it ain't my problem!"

She scoffed. Her hand went behind her back and slowly pulled out from behind it. When her whole hand was fully out from behind her back, she held out a gun in front of her and pointed it at me.

"What are you gonna do with that?" I asked warily.

"Depends on how I feel" she replied. "Because I really hate you. And I'd love for you to be gone."

"Okay, if you want me gone, we'll get out and leave you alone. You don't have to use anything like that." I said. Olivia scrunched up her face in

"I really, really, really, hate you. I hate you so much that I could pull this trigger at any moment right now. You've caused me so much trouble in
these past few months, and I think I'd be doing everyone a favor if I get rid of you."

"You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do, because if you do, it could ruin your life. Hunter might get sick at the sight of you, you'll be
sent to prison for many years, and maybe life, people would give you looks, wouldn't want to be with you, everything. Don't ruin your life with just one moment. Be an adult and think about this situation rationally. If you let us go, we'll never speak of this again and we'll never bother you again, okay?" I tried to reason with her.

She stared at me, silence filling the room. I could tell that I was getting to her and waited for her answer. I can see her hand trembling, and I
can see her finger retreating from the trigger, but then it slides right back.

All of a sudden, Ronin lets go of me and jumps in front of me, and as soon as he does, a loud bang rang through the entire house and Ronin fell to the ground.

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